Anonymous ID: 2bcd10 May 3, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.9016498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9015289 lb

President Trump-

i will stand by you

thank you for all that you have done to save our country and it's citizens,

but then those mother fuckers went and released this bug, trying to destroy our great economy and essentially our way of life

we cry out for justice

nothing will do except for the full exposure of these criminals and their crimes

as you know, there is a whole litany of crimes, from biological warfare, to pedophilia, to satanic ritual murder of children, etc.

and also, the media being complicit in the cover-up, and some in media willing participants

in any case, the American people are with you, Sir

we pray for you everyday and we will have your back this november