LEONTOCEPHALINE ID: b0af1f May 3, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.9017020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044 >>7223


this might be some sort of jewish penis envy spam

>>>>>TLDR; 75 year old muhbuttjoos shills eugenics campaign turns faggot asshole nambla gaylord cultural hegemony spam for coCIAne tax evasions from paperclip nazis


>>>>draccos seized dulce base from the alien vs Indian vs nazi war of '78


>>>and flat earth propoganda is just designed obsolesce necromancer hymnals of texas tranny grease shekels


>>and the trinity bomb was just flat earth texas way of celebrating o.t.o. necromancers with a ritual genocide


>and the jfk assassination ritual was an extension of the bay of pig skins and the >>9016810 (You)


"lord of the flies" translates to baalzebub (1963)


>uk trannys torturing "autists" on an island for baal worship