Anonymous ID: e3225c May 3, 2020, 5:51 p.m. No.9018883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8899 >>8933 >>8993 >>9057

OK Anons, need your help (cuz I'm a techno-idiot). How to clip from marker 1:20-1:40? - Let's turn it into a meme to post everywhere.


I am having a total meltdown today - and just want to warn y'all: do NOT go to super walmart on the first weekend of the month (especially now that the virus checks have been issued). I stood in line for 55 minutes today. I got the very last package of chicken, the very last bottle Dawn dishwashing liquid, etc. (and no - I did not take more than one of anything). I only shop when I absolutely have to, and I HAD to today. And yes, I normally have a good supply of everything as any good prepper would. The people in the stores are IDIOTS. Masked morons, brainwashed sheeple. THEY ARE SCARING ME much more so than the 'virus.' I started talking to people about what a bunch of BULLSHIT this whole situation is and we are all being manipulated and how there is NO WAY this grocery checkout slowdown is about 'safety'. NONE of this crap makes any sense! How is shutting down the car washes and dog groomers, etc doing ANYthing to 'save lives' - BULLSHIT MAN! The people I talked to were all like, "it's the new normal" "we are in a pandemic" "we have to do this to save lives" ALL sounded like the stepford wives or some sort of programmed idiots which they are. If there are so many of US, then where the hell are they? Seemed to me that I was up against every moron on the planet. Good news though, an arrested shop owner down the street from me that insisted on keeping his little store open got posted by Q (his lawyer argued there is no legal basis for this shutdown). Whoo Hoo-What a hero! But who is paying for his legal defense? HIM. It's time for ALL OF US TO GET MAD AS HELL AND STOP COMPLYING WITH THIS CRAP! When the hell are the normies going to wake up????

Anonymous ID: e3225c May 3, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.9019152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9019057 SO WHEN THE HELL IS ANYONE GOING TO TELL "THEM" THE TRUTH??? We have been showing them and showing them and showing them Q TEAM - and they are NOT GETTING IT. WE HAVE TO FREEKING SPELL IT OUT FOR THEM. I even tried to explain that this bullshit is about manipulating the vote via mail in ballot next fall - blank idiot stares like I was wearing a tinfoil hat. GOD WINS the war in the end but doesn't seem to be winning in this battle.

Anonymous ID: e3225c May 3, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.9019205   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, that's my gut feeling - we've waited far too long to start speaking up. All along this fight, I've been happy and cheerful and encouraging to everyone and redpilling softly, but I just feel completely defeated today.