Anonymous ID: 930e69 May 3, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9020061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0190

>>9019917 (lb)


>Cannabis is extremely effective for migraine/headaches

Also, forgot to mention, but it will definitely help with the cramps, too.

And it's likely to improve mood, as well


>>9019917 (lb)

>She works in the medical world (surgery), she's afraid she'll be tested.

Then she should be aware that they have no right to infringe upon a women's medical rights, in that manner. If she's using it for obvious medicinal reasons, then there's her employer shouldn't be able to discriminate against her for it. Especially, since the medical fie;d obviously lacks a reasonable solution for the serious problems that females have to endure every month of their lives for years. But especially, since it's a natural substance that works moar effectively than chemical alternatives, and relieves multiple symptoms, often with significantly less side-effects.


It's retarded to think that this is even a conversation we have to have in 2020, but here we are, still fighting for women's rights, because democrats spent too many years thinking that meant killing babies…

Anonymous ID: 930e69 May 3, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.9020352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0383



Busy doing the shit you don't have the balls to do

>This is straight up bullshit!

Agree. Brave men and women shouldn't have to put their lives on the line, just so faggots, like yourself, can whine because they don't get 15 minute updates on top secret information, that would put those brave men and women's lives at further risk

Anonymous ID: 930e69 May 3, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.9020501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I have a house full of sons and a small arsenal. My neighbor has 4 daughters under the age of 12.

That's great.

That still doesn't mean you should have access to information that would obviously risk the lives of very real people, unnecessarily. Especially, since the missions that they would likely be on impact whether or not you, your neighbor, and every single one of those kids even have a Nation to protect you to begin with.


Right now, judging by your irrationality, I'd say being on lockdown is starting to make you impatient. Whether or not you have kids, the world still has inherent risks. You should've been aware of that fact prior to deciding to have kids. If you are upset about the taxes, well, you've paid taxes for years, and it fairly common knowledge that criminals in office use that tax money to do sinister things. Again this isn't rocket surgery. Ultimately, you are responsible for a vast number of circumstances. But one thing you are not responsible for is releasing of classiied/sensative information that has potential to put the lives of our Military at risk. And it's a darn good thing we have that safety, because people like yourself can anfd do act highly irrational in panic situations.


Chill, holmes