Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9020974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188 >>1341 >>1466

Former NSC Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz: House Intelligence Committee Found John Brennan “Suppressed” Russia Evidence During 2016 Election


Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, recently joined Jan Jekielek at American Thought Leaders to discuss the ongoing Obama administration spygate scandal.


During their discussion Fleitz revealed the existence of an unpublished House Intelligence report that contradicts the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Fred Fleitz: The House Intelligence Community discovered from the CIA that there was evidence that the Russians actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win the election and for Trump to lose. And this was strong intelligence. The reason was they thought Hillary was a known quantity. Trump was an unknown quantity and they were worried he would bring anti-Russian hawks into the administration. That information according to a House Intelligence staff, they told me this, was excluded over the objections of CIA analysts by Brennan. On the other hand, there was weak intelligence that the Russians wanted Trump to win. And according to House Intelligence Committee staffers this was included over the objection of CIA officers by Brennan. So Brennan actually slanted this analysis, choosing anti-Trump intelligence and excluding anti-Clinton intelligence. The problem is the House report, which I think is full of all these bombshells has been stuck at the CIA since the fall of 2018.


And, I’m hoping that Rick Grenell or maybe John Durham, who is doing an investigation of government misconduct surrounding the election. I’m hoping one of them is going to pry this loose because the American people have to know about it.

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.9020996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1074 >>1188 >>1341 >>1466

White House Will Release ‘Conclusive’ Evidence Coronavirus Originated In Wuhan Lab, Trump Says


President Donald Trump suggested during Sunday night’s Fox News town hall that his administration will soon release “conclusive” evidence showing how the coronavirus originally leaked out of China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.


“I don’t think there is any question about it,” Trump responded when asked a question on whether China’s action allowed the pandemic to spread across the globe. He proceeded to tell host Bret Baier that the administration “will be giving a very strong report on what we think happened, and I think it will be very conclusive.”


The president has repeatedly claimed to have seen evidence the virus leaked out of a research facility, and his latest comments come the same day that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo maintained the administration has compiled an extensive report on the virus’s lab origins.


“We have said from the beginning, this virus originated in Wuhan, China. We took a lot of grief for that from the outset. But I think the whole world can see now,” Pompeo said on ABC Sunday morning. “Remember, China has a history of infecting the world and they have a history of running sub-standard laboratories.”


“These aren’t the first times that we have had the world exposed to viruses as a result of failures in a Chinese lab.”

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 9 p.m. No.9021015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1035

WATCH: California Police Officers At Anti-Lockdown Protest Appear To STAND DOWN After Marine Vet With Megaphone Challenges Their Integrity


Protesters in several California cities, including San Francisco, Huntington Beach, and Sacramento rallied on Friday, May 1st, with huge protests against Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s hyper restrictive coronavirus stay-at-home order.


In Sacramento, the state’s capital, a packed crowd of thousands of protesters faced off with lines of police officers in full riot gear.


According to The Guardian, “The California Highway Patrol (CHP) had announced that it would be barring protests at the Sacramento state capitol because of a lack of social distancing by participants at a previous rally, but protesters gathered on the steps of the building regardless, chanting ‘Whose house? Our house!’”


“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!” chanted other Sacramento protesters, according to video footage recorded by California resident Joshua Coleman.


In Coleman’s video, a Marine veteran named Cordie Lee Williams can be seen speaking into a megaphone, challenging California police officers to “stand down.”


“In the face of tyranny, in the face of freedom, are you going to sit there in your riot gear against peaceful protesters?” asked Williams. “Or are you going to say, ‘you know what, it’s time to stand up for my country. Because I took an oath of office and it said, ‘I will defend all enemies, foreign and domestic.”


Williams continued, “You might lose your job, but I’d rather lose my job than lose my soul.


“What are you going to tell your little boy or your little girl tonight? That you took your baton and you crushed somebody’s skull, who was a mom? Is that what a tough guy does? That’s not what honor, courage, and commitment means in the Marine Corps.”


Williams then directly challenged the officers’ integrity, “We always have in the military, we have ‘what’s a lawful order.’ And you’ve gotta check your nutsack when you’re given an order, and you’ve gotta say, ‘is this a lawful order or is this a bullshit order?’


“When something’s a bullshit order, and it doesn’t pass the sniff test,” Williams said, “that’s when you say, ‘Sergeant,’ that’s when you say, ‘Colonel,’ that’s when you say, ‘General,’ that’s when you say, ‘Governor, I’m not doing that. I didn’t sign up for that.”


Shortly after Williams challenged the officers to ‘stand down,’ the officers appeared to retreat and leave the location.

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.9021021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Majority Of Americans Don't Trust Tech Companies With Contact-Tracing


With the idea of contact tracing as a plan to help re-open businesses and stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, many Americans are skeptical about their privacy and how much data these tracing tools will collect on their lives.


In a joint survey between the Washington Post and the University of Maryland, only 43 percent of respondents said they trust the tech companies responsible for creating these contact tracing tools – specifically Apple and Google.

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.9021061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1079 >>1188 >>1341 >>1466

SHERIFF: Man Used Hidden Cameras, Coercion To Sexually Abuse Foster Children, Adopted Child


FLORENCE, KY — Late on Friday, Boone County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested a Florence man on a warrant of arrest for multiple sexual offenses against minors to include child pornography.


Harry G. Forgue, 28, Florence was arrested late Friday night after a lengthy investigation which revealed years of sexual abuse against his foster children and adopted child. The victims, all males were preteen to teenagers when the abuse occurred. All of the juveniles living with Forgue were interviewed and each one disclosed years of abuse by Forgue. The abuse was generally stipulated on getting phone privileges back or to end punishment.


During the course of the investigation it was discovered after examining Forgue’s phone that he had installed several pinhole cameras throughout his residence. Detectives located multiple pictures and videos of the victims using the restroom or otherwise unaware that they were being recorded. Additionally, more content was found on Forgue’s phone which showed the victims posing nude. The pictures, among other things, corroborate the victim’s statements that they would have to perform sexual acts when they were in trouble or to get privileges back that they had previously lost.


Harry Forgue has been charged with one count of Sodomy 1st Degree – Victim under 12, two counts of Sodomy 3rd Degree, three counts of Sexual Abuse 1st Degree – Victim under 12, three counts of Sexual Abuse 1st Degree, six counts of Video Voyeurism, three counts of Incest – Forcible Compulsion/Incapable of Consent, six counts of Promoting a Sexual Performance by a Minor, one count of Possess/View Matter Portray Sexual Performance by a Minor and one count of Prohibited Use of Elec Com. Sys. To Procure Minor.


Forgue was lodged at the Boone County Detention Center and is currently being held on a $250,000 cash bond.

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9021334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1543 >>1552

The only way I can see that releasing evidence that the kung flu is a bioweapon from a lab in China and not setting off a hot war with China is to arrest all the traitors in the US who worked with the cabal in China at the same time.

Anonymous ID: 733237 May 3, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.9021358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yachts, Wine Cellars, Private Jets: Isolating With The Super-rich


Stranded on superyachts or confined to their sprawling mansions worrying about their wine cellars, the world's super rich have invited ridicule throughout the coronavirus pandemic with their apparent insensitivity to the plight of ordinary people.


"Sunset last night… isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus. I'm hoping everybody is staying safe," US media mogul David Geffen wrote on his Instagram account at the end of March.


Above his message, he shared a picture of a huge yacht sailing in calm waters off islands in the Caribbean.


The message triggered an avalanche of online indignation over the inequalities highlighted by the crisis, with Geffen's paradise scene a world away from the grim spectacle of hours-long food queues elsewhere in the world.


Some of the global elite rushed to dream homes in the countryside or were whisked away by private jet to seaside retreats.


Specialist company PrivateFly said it had seen a surge in bookings from people wanting to leave at-risk countries, according to The Guardian.


Others chose to invest in underground shelters, with Texas-based firm Rising S Bunkers telling the Los Angeles Times that their telephone had been ringing off the hook.