Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9020921   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0934


There are a few treatments that I will recommend once I have diagnosed their baby or child with bronchiolitis.


Nasal suctioning:

Since babies and children with RSV often have lots of nasal congestion, at home nose suctioning can be a big help. Infants are “obligate nose breathers” meaning that they prefer to breathe just through their nose, so any little bit of congestion or mucus that is trapped in their nasal passages will make it more difficult for them to breathe.


Bulb syringes can be used, but make sure that the end tip is placed right at the entrance to the nose. If the tip is inserted too far it can cause swelling of the nose passages, which creates more mucus production – this is what we are trying to treat and prevent! (For more information check out our article 2 simple tricks to ease your baby’s nasal congestion) The NoseFrida is another suctioning tool that works a little better than the bulb syringe, but this one requires that a caregiver sucks out the snot, but don’t worry, there is a filter that prevents baby’s snot from going in the caregiver’s nose!


I always recommend that families use nasal saline (salt and water mix) drops along with suctioning because this helps to further break up mucus. Saline mixes can be found at your local drug store. The saline drops just go right in your child’s nose.


Anti-viral support:

I will often use a couple of anti-viral herbs and nutrients to treat RSV bronchiolitis. Elderberry is one of my favorite anti-viral herbs to use for kids. It works well for many viruses and is often given in syrup form so it tastes good too! I use the syrup in babies older than 6 months once they have started to introduce solids, but always making sure that the syrup is not honey based, since honey is to be avoided under 12 months of age. If the baby is less than 6 months of age and is breast-fed, I will have Mom take the elderberry syrup so baby gets the anti-viral properties through the breast milk. There are lots of studies that support the use of elderberry for treating the flu virus and I find that it works well for RSV bronchiolitis too.


N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid; amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. NAC has the ability to thin mucus, which is a big help in RSV bronchiolitis since congestion is the major issue. Similar to elderberry syrup, I will give NAC to babies over 6 months of age – it has a sulfur-like taste to it, so mixing an opened up capsule in foods like applesauce can be helpful. There are also dissolvable NAC tablets that work well. NAC is also a potent antioxidant, which helps support immune function, another good reason to use it in RSV bronchiolitis.


RSV bronchiolitis is very common, but can also be tough to treat. It is important to know what signs and symptoms mean that your child or baby is working extra hard to breath – they should be seen by a doctor if this is happening! Nasal suctioning, saline drops, and anti-viral support will help your child feel better and hopefully get better sooner!

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.9020934   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0944




KrawitzC, Mraheil MA, Stein M, Imirzalioglu C, Domann E, Pleschka S, Hain T. Inhibitory activity of a standardized elderberry liquid extract against clinically-relevant human bacterial pathogens and influenza A and B viruses. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 25;11:16.


Mata M, Sarrion I, Armengot M, Carda C, Martinez I, Melero JA, Cortijo J. Respiratory syncytial virus inhibits ciliagenesis in differentiaged normal human bronchial epithelial cells: effectivenets of N-acetylcysteine. PLoS One 2012; 7(10).


Mata M, Morcillo E, Gimeno C, Cortijo J. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) inhibit mucin synthesis and pro-inflammatory mediators in alveolar type II epithelial cells infected with influenza virus A and B and with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Biochem Pharmacol. 2011 82(5)548-55.


Naz F, Raza AB, Ijaz I, Kazi MY. Effectiveness of nebulized N-acetylcysteine solution in children with acute bronchiolitis. J Coll Physicans Surg Pak. 2014 24(6):408-11.


Schreiber S, Ronfani L, Ghirardo S, Minen F, Taddio A, Jaber M, Rizzello E, Barbi E. Nasal irrigation with saline solution significantly improves oxygen saturation in infants with bronchiolitis. Acta Paediatr 2016 105(3):292-6.


Zakay-Rones Z, Thom E, Wollan T, Wadstein J. Randomized study of the efficacy and safety of oral elderberry extract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infections. J Int Med Res. 2004 32(2):132-140.

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9020982   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Nicholas Roerich was truly an international man of mystery and magic. Born in 1874 in St. Petersburg, Roerich rose to become one of the world’s most versatile intellectuals, lending his expertise to three different sectors: art, politics and spirituality.


Igor Stravinsky (whom Roerich worked with on the composition Rite of Spring) said that Roerich “looked as though he ought to have been a mystic or a spy.” In reality, he was probably more like Dr. Strange than James Bond.


Like the magician Aleister Crowley (who also moonlighted as spook), Roerich might have observed extraterrestrial phenomena. The event in question played out like the opening scene in The Day the Earth Stood Still (the one with Keanu Reeves) and happened during his three year Shamballa quest in the Himalayas.


Here’s what he wrote:


We saw, in a direction from north to south, something big and shiny reflecting the sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed. Crossing our camp this thing changed in its direction from south to southwest. And we saw how it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had time to take our field glasses and saw quite distinctly an oval form with shiny surface, one side of which was brilliant from the sun.


The sighting occured a few years after Roerich and his wife Helena had started developing their own spiritual system, Agni Yoga. Partially inspired by Theosophy, it combines elements of Orthodox Christianity, Slavic symbolism and Vedic mythology. Its adherents aim to practice “living ethics” and podvig (heroic labor).

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.9021131   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Crowley is 4th from the left in the K2 expedition. And in a pool on the mountain.




''Steiner said that, "If one traces the development of the earth [back],… one comes upon increasingly refined material conditions of our planet. The substances which later became solid were previously in a fluid, still earlier, in a vaporous and steam-like, and in an even more remote past, in the most refined (etheric) condition. The decreasing temperature caused the hardening of substances….

… the most refined etheric condition of the substances of our earthly dwelling place. Man first entered upon the earth in this epoch of its development. Before that, he belonged to other worlds… a so-called astral or soul world. The beings of this world did not lead an external, (physical) bodily existence. Neither did man. He had already developed the image consciousness …. had feelings and desires. But all this was enclosed in a soul body. Only to the clairvoyant eye would such a man have been perceptible."''


The Confessions of Aleister Crowley abound with critique on Abramelin and lodge mentality, during the early twentieth century, as associated with the Psychic Revolution in Europe.


Although I am not a member of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn or other groups cited by Crowley in this notation, I am honestly concerned about his observations, primarily because most oversights mentioned have failed to correct themselves and remain today.


K2 is also known as 'Chogo Ri', derived from two Balti words, chhogo ("big") and ri ("mountain")


In the summer of 1902, British climbers Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), and Oscar Eckenstein (1859-1921)

led the first serious attempt to scale Chogo Ri (known in the west as K2), located in Pakistan. They planned their ascent on the Northeast Ridge. K2 has never been climbed in winter.


The Expedition consisted of Crowley, Eckenstein, Guy Knowles, H. Pfannl, V. Wesseley, and Dr Jules Jacot-Guillarmod. During this trip a world record was established for hardships on the Baltoro Glacier, sixty-eight straight days of glacial life. Upon arrival in India, Eckenstein was detained by British authorities for three weeks on suspicion of being a spy, and not allowed to enter Kashmir. He and Crowley were convinced that Martin Conway was responsible for trying to interfere with their attempt on K2, and only when they threatened to take the matter to the newspapers was Eckenstein released.


Eckenstein was already well known in the west as an English rock climber-mountaineer, and godfather of bouldering as a sport. He, like Crowley, delved deeply into the ancient knowledge. Eckenstein was noticed as 'unusual' - probably because of his power stellium clustered around Regulus, The Royal Star [@ 27Leo in his radix star chart]. His Mercury, Mars, and Proserpina are exactly conjunct on the cusp of Leo/Virgo, with Poseidon 26 Leo, no doubt adding a subtle illumination around his crown and possibly encircling his throat and shoulders. He smoked a pipe, but this layer of his energy field was probably a smokey opal colour, regardless. There may have also been a tint of rose opalesque near the heart. Eckenstein was a well educated engineer, and insufferably arrogant as we know of accomplished magicians of the era. He was not one to mince words, and a long feud with the Alpine Club caused many of its members to denigrate him. Crowley reports that anti-semitism may have played a role. Venus in Virgo next to fiery Leo contributes engineering ability and a pleasant visual image while in motion [competitive atheletes, dancers, models with 'grace, style, and inspiration' - Olympic level]. Saturn in Leo also adds a marvellous sense of timing and an interest in grounding safety innovations; he invented the modern crampon, was an innovator in climbing technique and developed practical mountaineering equipment. The following dedication appears in one of Crowley's books:




With whom I have wandered in so many solitudes of

Nature, and thereby learnt the words and

Spells that bind her children

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.9021251   🗄️.is đź”—kun

ETS sends us another comm

This time from an Anonymous source

Who is bent on Vendetta

From E who follows Q here is V


Defend the children of the poor

Punish the wrongdoer

Enjoy The Show

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.9021357   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1365 >>1422 >>1451 >>1477


As ye sow, so shall ye reap.


You had lots of chances to red pill them.

Instead, you decided to set yourself up as a preacher

And barked the truth at them shouting

I am the superior mockingbird! You must believe me!

I am the one true purveyor of truth!


You chose insanity as Q warned us so well

And now you lose everything….

Anonymous ID: f9299c May 3, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.9021468   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1510



Rehab for drug addicts going cold turkey because they can't find any drugs to buy.

This often causes respiratory problems which would kill the person if they don't have ventilators to keep them alive until their metabolism stabilizes.