Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 3, 2020, 10:56 p.m. No.9021810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1824 >>1988

>>9021565 (lb)

>Yes. We're flawed. We're sinners, according to the Bible, which Q tells us to read

The Bible is flawed, because it was written by men, and translated several times by moar men. It's not man's fault. But as we stated, we are imperfect, and thus we must learn to not take everything man says as "absolute", because even if the Bible were truth "the Word of God", we are all humans, and because of that, our understanding of the Bible now takes on addition flaws that further muddy the waters.


There is substance to the Bible, but many will never truly come to appreciate that which they think is "God", because we are basing our beliefs upon inherently flawed foundations. Jesus did not write down "His" Gospels, and we are left with several voids, because once again, there were men who took it upon themselves to remove certain accounts they found "less desirable". There is a tremendous disconnect for many individuals in regards to what "it all means".


Nothing guarantees that "God" will save any one of us. That, itself, is considered a "belief". Likewise, when you say the word "sinner", it no longer has the original meaning behind it, because it comes with someone else's predisposition of what that word is now used to describe. It is a "belief" that we are all "sinners", but going back to the story in the Garden, we've completely lost all connection of what actually transpired. There are clues, but one does not simply understand by listening to the sermon on Sunday. Many might outright reject the Truth if they found out what really took place. Others, are not afraid of the Truth. It's really quite breathtaking. You have no choice but to humble yourself.


Reading the Bible only takes one so far. And right now, there is much confusion because many religious folk have yet to make a smooth transition into the 21st century. It's not really our fault. Part is our environment, but this was also a coordinated attack, designed to exploit those who are ignorant to the deception. In this instance, evil people gained an incredible amount of leverage over several good people because of their inherited ignorance. It's a shame, but we can't jut cry out and expect God to fix the mess we got ourselves into. Especially, when so many have yet to even comprehend Who or What "God is". Who was it that told you that you were born a "sinner"? Was it "God"? How can one be sure if they don't even know what to look for?

Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 3, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.9021948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Your premise depends on an incompetent God that cannot deliver a true and complete message to the world.

That's your lack of understanding of what I just stated. It's your predisposition to associate something like competence to That which simply "is".

Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 3, 2020, 11:48 p.m. No.9022004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ever noticed it says sin, not sun?

Ever notice how close those two words are to begin with?

It's not a coincidence

Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 3, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.9022012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2035 >>2094


>Wrong. The Bible was written by men who were divinely inspired by God

Okay. Since your so smart, show me where "God is". Today. Right now. Or are you going to keep listening to what dead men had to say on the matter?

Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 4, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.9022084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103


>I pity you for not seeing God in all creation

Really? Do you not understand where I'm coming from? I didn't ask that question for myself. I already know. I asked that question for every child who's been led astray by false concept of imperfect men who abuse the "authority" they think they have for guarding some words.


If you see God in all Creation, then surely you can explain it to us, without referring back to an old book that has been long misunderstood.

Anonymous ID: 3d76ff May 4, 2020, 12:34 a.m. No.9022141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Its soooooo easy to say 'oh the Bible was mis-translated'. The lazy man's excuse. Do the work, do the reading, look at the foundations. The fact of the Bible's accuracy and faithfulness to original texts makes it all the more amazing, and divinely 'protected' through time if you will.

The same canbe said about many a worldy "myth", though. That's what you fail to also acknowledge. Ans still, not one of you are willing to post one meme, link, explanation, etc to answer what should be the most basic of questions.


If you have One God, whom you believe is "The Creator", and "All Powerful", along with "Ever-Living", then you should have no problem explaining what it is you see in today's 2020 world that you would describe as "God". This might be uncomfortable, but I assure you, it's a learning experience, if you don't already know.