Anonymous ID: 6c293c May 3, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.9021835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846





“Truly, it’s the highly contagious fear virus that has done most of the damage to America and beyond throughout 2020, not the relatively mild corona virus.

Let that sink in.

Really, think about that.

The entire planetary civilization has been paralyzed with fear — to varying degrees in various places — since the middle of January.

Now, contemplate the most important question that needs to be answered post-haste about this incomparable and unrelenting series of bioterrorist attacks throughout the world community of nations.

“Cui bono?”

That’s right: Who really benefits from a meticulously manufactured global pandemic and staged panic?

The correct answer to that question is guaranteed to produce the identities of the true perpetrators of every major terrorist attack and mass casualty event over the past 100 plus years, not only the current COVID-19 wave of bioterrorism.”


“The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed.

In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government.“


“If you are one of the millions of Americans wondering why Dr. Anthony Fauci is vehemently cheerleading and praising a coronavirus vaccine for ALL Americans … Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says follow the money.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. dropped a bombshell on the Thomas Paine Podcast, detailing an apparent agreement between the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Bill Gates-backed pharmacuetical company that has the best chance at this point of securing lucrative contracts for a national coronavirus vaccine.”


“Information from Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Australia all confirm that Covid-19 poses almost no risk to children and that children in turn pose no risk of transmitting the virus to others. The result of this information has been to re-open schools in Switzerland and The Netherlands and to allow grandparents to once again enjoy time with their grandchildren.

Knowing that, how odd to watch America’s far-left media and politicians say nothing about this very positive development. Instead, we are served more panic-inducing headlines about potential “second waves” of the virus and authoritarian demands that the U.S. economy remains shut down as tens of millions of families face poverty-level disaster.“


“…And then he mentioned Dr. Anthony Fauci specifically.

And then he accused the prior Team Obama of sending $3.7 million to the lab in 2014 — at a time when that same Team Obama had banned the funding of any lab that was involved in virus experimentation.

And then he named Fauci as the guy who gave the money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

This — after Fox News reported more than a week ago that federal authorities have “high confidence” in the fact that COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, originated at Wuhan.”

Anonymous ID: 6c293c May 3, 2020, 11:03 p.m. No.9021846   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Operation Gladio:


“…The members of this group turned out to include not only hundreds of far-right figures in the intelligence, military, government, media, Church and corporate sectors, but a motley assortment of unreconstructed WW2 fascists, psychopaths and criminal underworld types to boot.”


“Today, this covert network of well-connected individuals rely not only on blackmailing and false flag operations to achieve their geopolitical objectives but also in human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, organ trafficking and more. The sickness and moral degeneration of these institutions have reached apocalyptic levels. The information you are about to see is neither new nor secret. It exists and has existed on the public record for years. The reason why most of us have not heard about some of these scandals is the result of a corrupt mainstream Mockingbird media campaign that lies mostly by omission.”


“This was the essence of Operation Gladio, a decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit directed by the intelligence services of the West against their own populations. Hundreds of innocent people were killed or maimed in terrorist attacks on train stations, supermarkets, cafes and offices which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The purpose, as stated above in sworn testimony by Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was to demonize designated enemies and frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for government leaders and their elitist cronies. “


Operation Timber Sycamore


Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congressthat it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence service) set up a rebel arms supply network in Syria from Libya — a plan that involved the Saudi, Qatari and Turkish intelligence services.


In October 2012, the New York Times revealed that this vast CIA-sponsored arms trafficking was mainly going to support jihadist groups in Syria.


It is also proven that these armaments mostly went to equip jihadist groups, including the terrorist militia which proclaimed itself “Islamic State” in June 2014.


Ultimately, Donald Trump decided to phase out this operation in early summer 2017. This was a major setback for the CIA, as the US President was thereby conceding the defeat of the United States and its partners in the war against Syria and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.


Operation Fast and Furious was the Obama-era operation in coordination with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) in which the federal government allowed criminals to buy guns in Phoenix-area shops with the intention of tracking them as they were transported into Mexico. But the agency lost track of more than 1,400 of the 2,000 guns they allowed smugglers to buy.


“For over six years, the House Oversight Committee has fought for additional documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Today, the Committee finally reached a conditional settlement with the Department of Justice,” Amanda Gonzalez, spokeswoman for the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement to Fox News.

“The Committee seeks all relevant facts so we can learn from the mistakes made by the Justice Department. We have a responsibility to uncover why they worked so hard to hide this information from the Committee, the family of [slain border patrol agent] Brian Terry, and the American people.”