Anonymous ID: 05e21a May 4, 2020, 2:48 a.m. No.9022540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2545 >>2549 >>2602 >>2677 >>2879 >>3007 >>3036



CanuckPatriots gonna have to hunt for their meat if PM Castro has his way




"Union is fighting to keep the Cargill plant, site of Canada's largest coronavirus outbreak, closed


The union representing workers at an Alberta meat-packing plant, the site of one of North America's largest COVID-19 outbreaks, continues to fight to prevent the facility from reopening on Monday as planned.


A total of 1,510 cases of COVID-19 in Alberta are now linked to the outbreak at the Cargill plant, located near High River, according to a spokesperson for Alberta Health.


Nearly half of the company's 2,000 staff, 917 workers, have tested positive. Cargill announced the plant would close on April 20, after a worker died of COVID-19.


"The plant shouldn't reopen unless it's safe," said Thomas Hesse, president of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 401. "In recent days, large plants in the United States that have been closed for two weeks have reopened and the number of diagnoses doubled after some plants reopened."


The union surveyed more than 600 workers in four languages over the weekend; 85 per cent reported they are afraid to return to work and 80 per cent said they do not want the plant to reopen Monday.


UFCW is seeking a stop-work order from Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and has also filed an unfair labour practice complaint against both the Cargill plant and the Government of Alberta."

Anonymous ID: 05e21a May 4, 2020, 2:59 a.m. No.9022569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592


>The union surveyed more than 600 workers in four languages

This sounds like much of the problem right here.


Shouldn't English and French be sufficient in a Canadian plant?

Anonymous ID: 05e21a May 4, 2020, 3:09 a.m. No.9022608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today I heard my Dem/TDS neighbors discussing whether to stage a "Keep the Lockdowns Going Indefinitely" counter-protest to what the Patriots are doing.


"If we don't protest, people will think everyone agrees with those MAGAts!"


"But, do you see the absurdity of GOING OUTSIDE to protest our right to STAY INSIDE indefinitely?"


[NPC blows a mental fuse]

Anonymous ID: 05e21a May 4, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.9022705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2857





Transport Secretary Confirms New Coronavirus Tracing App Will Be Trialled On The Isle Of Wight This Week


By Adam Richardson - 3rd May 2020


A coronavirus contact tracing app developed for the NHS will be rolled out for testing on the Isle of Wight this week – according to the Transport Secretary.


Grant Shapps confirmed this morning (Sunday) that the software will start to be tested on the Isle of Wight this week – after days of suggestion.


It’s believed that the Isle of Wight has been chosen as a test area for the app due to its isolated and controllable nature in comparison to other locations.


The app, developed by the digital arm of the health service NHSX, will use bluetooth technology to identify who a person has come into contact with, but won’t track where people are or have been.


Users phones will record who they’ve come within six feet of for at least 15 minutes, if the user develops symptoms, they can inform the NHS, triggering an alert to be sent to other users they have come into contact with.


Speaking to Sky News, Transport Secretary Mr Shapps said the app will be completely confidential, and information collected will not identify the individual using the app:


“It will be the best possible way to help the NHS, in fact it will be an NHS app. It will be completely confidential, the information doesn’t stay on there, you don’t know who the individuals are, but what it will do is alert someone if they’ve been near someone who has coronavirus.”


He added:


“The idea is that we will encourage many as people to take this up as possible.


“I appreciate for various reasons that not everybody will download it.”(SNIP)

Anonymous ID: 05e21a May 4, 2020, 4:10 a.m. No.9022882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>he Isle of Wight is basically one gigantic floating old folk's home, and hardly anyone has a Smartphone.

sounds like my kind of place at such time as I am sufficiently 'old'.