Anonymous ID: 56a452 May 4, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.9022944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3063 >>3068


Every living thing has an energy field around them and there are ways to affect that in a positive or negative way. Our planet has never recovered from an experiment done 3 lifetimes ago that messed up the atom and instantly changed everything we had ever known. Blocked our natural connection with God and we have been trying to fix it ever since!It is what is referred to as The Fall,we can fix it by changing the frequency enough so it reverses ! Love , positive thoughts and actions are the way to do so,essentially remembering God is within us and ALL. We have all been reminded of this huge amounts by many thoughout our more recent times and obviously your wonderful President does nothing but to encourage this behaviour ! He is not the only living example of God within but he is the most prominent at this time and we can see it is working !! Convinced this is part of what Q means "You have more than you know"