Anonymous ID: 6b78b4 May 4, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.9022975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s early across America. Coffee hasn’t kicked in and night shift is probably just going to bed. Tryin to say this might get lost in LB oblivion. But it’s important.


  1. James Stockdale’s experience as a POW/Vietnam and the way he walked out of illustrates the usefulness of hope, and the limited usefulness of unfounded optimism.


  1. “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” – James Bond Stockdale


  1. “And, ironically, the most optimistic of his co-prisoners did not make it out alive. Precisely because they were so hopeful that their ordeal would be over soon"….


  1. …"they were disappointed to find themselves still in captivity when Christmas came, then Easter, then Thanksgiving, then the next Christmas … at the end, they lost all hope and eventually ‘died of a broken heart’.


  1. “Stockdale, on the other hand, was fully aware of his dire circumstances and did everything he could to improve his chances of survival."…


  1. …He raised the morale of his people (helping them to deal with torture, creating an internal communications system of tap-codes to reduce their sense of isolation), and exchanged secret intelligence information with his wife through their letters."


  1. Stockdale knew the danger in what we would now call 'Hope Porn'.


Expecting to see Horowitz, Huber, Whittaker, and now Durham, deliver some form of justice for the conspiracy against POTUS Trump, without fully accepting the result of the last 3 yrs of inaction is dangerous.


  1. “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”


The facts, which create the reality, are indeed quite brutal.


  1. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, about the inaction behind politicians, DC, the intel community, the current FBI and the Current DOJ, showing their unwillingness to do anything….. all of it…. circles back to the Summer of 2018:


  1. 2018 WHEN the decision was made not to prosecute James Wolfe for leaking the top-secret and classified FISA application (that contained the lies needed to continue surveillance operations).


  1. 2018 WHEN the DOJ/FBI lied to the FISA court; they didn’t mislead – they lied in July 2018; about the continued valid predication for the FISA application.


  1. 2018 WHEN the DOJ/FBI and SSCI operated in unison to protect Mueller’s investigation as a tool to cover-up their own participation in an effort to target and remove Donald Trump.


  1. 2018 WHEN the DOJ/FBI and Intelligence Community threw a bag over Julian Assange; anticipating in advance and preparing for the Mueller report to come out.


  1. 2018 WHEN the DOJ/FBI and total IC continued to hide, mislead, stall, redact and remove damaging information that would have outlined the intent and purpose of the surveillance effort against Donald Trump.


  1. Those 2018 decision were an inflection point; a massive signal flare fired from the epicenter of Washington DC; that should have alerted everyone to think carefully about the ramifications and WHY the institutions were going to take no action.


  1. The consequences from those 2018 decisions are only just now starting to come out because some of the material connects to the Flynn case.


  1. Unless and until John Durham or Bill Barr are going to admit what took place within the DOJ/FBI and Intelligence Community in the summer/fall of 2018, nothing is going to change.




  1. If Durham & Barr decide to allow the truth to come out; Barr is going to have to reverse all of his support for the 2018 participants including: Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray, Dana Boente and all of the DC politicians who were/are attached to the fraud and scheme


  1. Do you see AG Bill Barr positioning toward telling those truths?…


Or do you see AG Bill Barr positioning to mitigate for survival against those truths?…


Be honest with yourself.


  1. “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”


– James Bond Stockdale