Anonymous ID: 7359f2 May 4, 2020, 2:21 a.m. No.9022453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2477 >>2944

I have a theory about why things are as they are.


Imagine that there is a electromagnetic field, a radio frequency, not noticable directly, but influencing the human mind.


The radio frequency has been designed to cause people to think as negatively as possible, where their actions are limited by how they understand the consequences of their actions.


The older you are, the more responsibility you are expected to carry and the more careful you are about your actions.


You will eventually try to live a life where you can gain continuous improvement, and if possible, create a life where those around you don't have any reason to impede your progress.


You are constantly intending to build a more stable life that can sustain difficulties, while not limiting your life from being able of reaching the best possible outcome, for instance by not permanently finding yourself in the consequences of a poor decision.


The dangers would be if someone would not mind ruining your life because they themselves are unscrupulous.


I believe that the unscrupulous individuals are the jews.


They know how reality works, and believe that they can act freely and gain a perfect life on the coattails of everyone else, by forcing people into an economical system, benefiting only them, and a thought system (religion) also benefiting only jews.


Because humans were really successful despite the adversities, jews, being unscrupulous, started poisioning humans with 'medicine', thought systems like LGBTQ+ and a world view designed to never question why jews are actually a part of our universe (I have no idea why jews are here).


The radio frequency system acts in such a way, that people act as badly as they can, and it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children as wisely as possible that there are consequences for each action, and expect behaviour that is conscientious, about how they are treated and how others should treat them.


But this has to include teaching children about jews, how they simply don't care about anything as their religion allows for everything, as long as it benefits jews and their dead end goals.


This is why there are poisonous vaccines, induced pandemics and opioid crisis, sexual abuse of children, wars, degeneracy, suffering, corruption and murders. jews infiltrated human societies as unscrupulously as possible. Humans don't want to kill jews as if will damage the human reality, the jews know this and use it to their own benefit.


I don't know how long this war has existed, I don't know if anyone really knows, but the war is real.


There is a depiction of what you can see of the radio frequency grid affecting humans, making the situation even worse, follow the link


If you walk down the street in your city, ask yourself if people act as poorly as they feel they are allowed to, that Hitler knew jews spread degeneracy encouraging people to act badly (chasing sex and money) and maybe it will all start to make sense.