LIsten up Q team, germany here.
Something odd is going on here. Since yesterday, everyone on the social media platform goes berserk on all conspiraciy people. First the hashtag #conspiracy trended in germany (#verschwörungstheoretiker) and now it is #billgates.
Here is the thing, do not think it is full with people aware of all the epstein connection and what not cabal. It is full with people attacking Qanons and what not people who are aware of all the cliton shit.
So here is what happened.
The Corrupt German govermant is pushing for opening everything, already happened in view states and in the epicenter of germany, NRW, everything is already open. Now the heath minister says "if a second wave comes we need new plans" and guess what he is talking about:
>ein Dokument, das Türen öffnen oder schließen könnte: der Immunitätsausweis gegen Corona. Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn sieht darin ein Chance
>a document that could open or close doors: the Corona immunity card. Health Minister Jens Spahn sees this as an opportunity
Now think for yourself, what do you guess why #billgates is trending right now.
Setting the narrative.
>conspiracy folks are evil
Trust bill gates
>everyone who says otherwise is a nazi
If you ask me, my best guess, the cabal lost the war in america and now they try it in the next best corrupted country.