Anonymous ID: 000000 May 4, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.9023402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9023041 (lb)

>Q has said many times it will be Biblical

Think metaphorically. Then put the bible down and start thinking logically:

>Does Satan exist?

>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

You want to know why these people are stupid? Because they worship something that isn't there. The mind is powerful enough to make people believe it, too. They are obsessed with bloodlines, traditions, rituals, and sacrifice. They want us focusing our time/efforts on the mundane to give them the opportunity to do more sick shit in their pursuit of stupid, while also buying into a lot of this bullshit ourselves.


Lots of folks are missing this. Q is literally making a metaphor of (some of) the predictions/prophecies of the Bible (…..and frogs to destroy them.). Why? What are you missing? This drop sort of explains it, and it's a real doozy:

>Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351447 📁

>Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)

> Anonymous ID: a4bb61 No.351343 📁

> Feb 12 2018 11:44:06 (EST)

> controlling the crops, controls the people (sheep)

> (might be reaching, but throwing it out there)


>Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

>Sound familiar?

>Wonder where they derived that idea from.

>Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.

>Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

>That choice, to know, will be yours.


You know that movie is based on a book called Simulacra and Simulation, right?

yep, it's a wikipedia link because why not


Where'd they get the idea for the movie? From a fucking book that talks about coming to grips with what's real and what's not real, and whether or not the entirety of this life is a simulation or not.


When you suddenly wake up and have the realization that literally everything you grew up in is part of the matrix, you will (and should) have a very real existential crisis. Then start coming to grips with a few really difficult truths about what you "believe" vs what you can prove. This entire operation is intended to wake people up. When you have the sudden realization that people are asleep in layers (they wake up to food, then maybe vaccines, then maybe entertainment), you should immediately look into the mirror and continue to press on re: what you believe, still.


Some anons pride themselves on being "awake" already, while still clinging to some beliefs (that are unfounded). You can't really know the truth unless you can prove it. If there were an abundance of proof for certain religious claims, there'd be no debate. Why, then, is there a debate? Because almost all claims are inconclusive to the person being told. A person's experience leads to beliefs, so the proof can never be given. Q ever so lovingly demonstrated that with this virus kayfabe. Look at all the people around you and count the masks. How do you fix that? Do you come out and tell people the truth, or let them discover it for themselves? Q is absolutely adamant that people have to discover truth for themselves instead of being told the truth. Q knows this anon disagrees with it, but I've beaten that dead horse, and Q's lack of response is way more telling to me than if they actually were to respond with another hidden message in a music video, or proclamation against honest tuition.


In case you haven't noticed, and the pressers were an outward display of Pres. Trump's genius in this regard. Pres. Trump was literally pulling a teachable moment. He was nearly speaking in parables, and having an entirely different conversation in his answers to the press, and his opening statements. He'd drop hints that anons could see which were baffling to the rest of the people watching. He tee'd up the MSM and those "doctors" to lie their fucking asses off. I swear, it's way to subtle, but again, that's this anons opinion.


Ask yourself a really simple question. Why would God ever require Jesus to die? Why did God ever require a blood sacrifice? Why would God have to do the whole judgement of all people thing twice? Who's writing this shit? No seriously, think, who actually wrote this shit?


Biblical indeed. Very biblical. Start asking more questions.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 4, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.9023744   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Up is down, left is right.


The entire idea of states being states is that they may govern themselves as they wish within the confines of the constitution. When the states ratified the constitution, they gave up their "right" to govern in any way they chose that conflicts with the constitution. The interesting part of what's going on is Trump is demonstrating that the federal government can force the states to comply with this, and has every legal right. Pres. Trump is using Federalist-minded principles (and powers) to force the states to be… anti-federalists.


Think about Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson saw where the country was, and was going (Federalists were getting their wet dreams come true), so to combat that, he actually consolidated enough power to the Executive branch to fuck with the Federalist plans - broke the bank, too. The problem is, everything he did, didn't "stick", and we got ourselves back into the mess of giving away our rights, again, to corrupt people.


Lincoln did the same thing. Consolidated power, and passed laws using technicalities and loop holes to reign in the dissenters (states seceded) of federal authority. I'm not making a case for slavery, mind you, so don't even go there. The reason you hear the "states rights" so often is because there wasn't a law in the constitution, yet, to abolish slavery. The "old families" that owned a majority of all the land in the south desperately needed those slaves, and fought Lincoln, tooth and nail, to the bitter end.


Pres. Trump is doing it, too. We are all cheering him on, and he's using the power/rights of the highest office in the land to enforce the laws of the constitution, but while some may proclaim him to be a dictator or staunch federalist, he's actually doing it to support what would be considered by many as anti-federalist viewpoints re: God given rights to freedom.


It's a thinking man's war. Shots are going off all over the country, and not a single firearm has been used. In a sense, you can almost claim that Pres. Trump is redefining what it means to be a Federalist. That's a whole bowl full of irony, and it's quite delicious.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 4, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.9023789   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What's going on are protests everywhere for the states to open up. That's what Q wants you to do. If you live in one of these places that are forcing lockdowns, you have to know that your rights supersede their privilege to govern you. Luckily for this anon, I live in a state where the governor did precisely what was needed to keep 10 million gun toting crazies from storming the capital and taking the protests too far.


Why do you think the NG is deployed every-fricking-where, and all reserves called up, too? They are anticipating some shit going down. The fight isn't with the virus in the least bit. It's most certainly being used as a catalyst by both sides, though.


Yes, Pres. Trump is literally encouraging people to exercise their rights responsibly, and legally.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 4, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.9023872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3908



These boomers are getting off easy. How funny they think this is protest. Where the fuck were these pricks back in 2010? Did you see these boomers getting their skulls cracked by cops or pepper sprayed. If this is all they have to deal with they are all very lucky. Thank president Trump I guess.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 4, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.9023885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm going to presuppose you aren't a shill and walk you though this. When you wake up and realize the following are part of the plan, you're going to slap yourself silly:

-Voter fraud is being exposed at a legal level in federal proceedings, and now being revealed to the public in the fight against mail-in ballots.

-Losing the house was literally part of the plan to expose the corruptness of the D party. Look at DJT's rally schedule. All senators. The purpose of that was to cock-block the D's while exposing their fuckery, and stack the courts with conservatives picked by DJT and the US Mil.

-Dems being bold - Use Acosta as a comparison:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d949d7 No.1715118 📁

Jun 12 2018 12:38:05 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 36e8f5 No.1715083 📁

Jun 12 2018 12:36:22 (EST)


If you can pull strings, how about getting Acosta's press pass pulled. I am embarrassed he represented our country in that historic meeting in Singapore.


Think strategically.

Does Acosta's continued disrespectful and poor behavior hurt or help us in the future?




-Durham back and forth confusion is intentional and the indictments will be a part of Durham's investigation's conclusion.

-Trump has support of more than half the country, and WW supporters, too.

-If you haven't yet realized that sitting still and waiting on Jesus to fix things isn't happening, your missing the real 40k ft view.



There's so much more to uncover. This is going to take a bit more time. People are frustrated, and have every right to be. The reason they are is because of Q and Pres. Trump's masterful use of subtlety.