Anonymous ID: 82f0f8 May 4, 2020, 6:30 a.m. No.9023484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3852



In the early 2000s, I worked for a very large, well-connected firm all of you know. This company had entered into a joint venture with Microsoft. During the negotiations, executives from both firms met at headquarters to finalize the terms. A question was raised about the risk of partnering with MS given the pending anti-trust litigation. Executives were assured by MS that there was nothing to worry about, that the case was going to go away in a matter of days. The MS executive told our company that Microsoft had received a copy of a confidential internal email that showed a US congressman wanted to breakup Microsoft and reduce their power.


I wasn't in the room – but heard about this story from someone who was in the meeting. The MS executive was bragging that they had one over on Congress and the case would basically disappear. That executive was Steve Balmer, Gates' protege and soon to be successor at MS.


After hearing this story, I watched the news to see what was happening with the antitrust suit. Sure enough, the case disapeared in a matter of days. I never saw any mention of the "classified/confidential" email that MS was able to get to strong arm the SEC into dropping the case.


After the Awan brothers story broke, it occurred to me that likely someone had backdoor access to congressional emails and gave this memo to Bill Gates to stop the lawsuit. I'm betting now that there were strings attached to dropping the suit. Perhaps a backroom deal by the corrupt cabal to move Bill into the "foundation role" where many agendas could be executed off the incredible riches of Microsoft and their continued Monopoly. Gates' foundation remains today the largest in the US, and far exceeds George Soros' Open Society funding.