Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.9024268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Health Ministry: 2554 out of 3325 quarantined people discharged so far


Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry announced that the total number of people that have been quarantined as of February 5th 2020 and until now is 3325, 2554 of them having been discharged while 771 are still under observation.


In a statement on Monday, Assistant Director of the Infectious and Terminal Diseases Department at the Ministry Dr. Atef al-Tawil said that as the first three planes transporting Syrians returning from abroad, the Ministry is working to prepare quarantine centers to accommodate everyone and provide the necessary care for them.


The Ministry said that hospitals and health centers are fully prepared to respond to Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and that it will announce any new case or recovery or death as soon as they occur.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.9024289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4388 >>4390 >>4440 >>4461 >>4500 >>4514 >>4517 >>4596

Names of 900 People Who Snitched on Neighbors for Breaking Lockdown Leaked Online


Thanks to the Sunshine Law, the names of about 900 people who snitched on neighbors for breaking the coronavirus lockdown have leaked online. Hundreds of nosy neighbors are worried about backlash because they have now been exposed for reporting people not obeying social distancing rules


“Here ya go. The gallery of snitches, busybodies, and employees who rat out their own neighbors and employers over the Panic-demic”‘

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.9024308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4461 >>4596

Colombian military sacks 11 senior general and officials over spying probe


Colombia’s military has been shaken by spy allegations that reached all the way to the office of President Alvaro Uribe.


On Friday, 11 senior officials were sacked and a senior general was forced to resign over an ongoing investigation into allegations that the Colombian military illegally spied on journalists, politicians, opposition politicians, Supreme Court magistrates and other military members.


The investigation by the Attorney General’s office began in January after the news magazine Semana published a scathing report. According to the report, members of the Administrative Department of Security (DAS), were reportedly spying on officials since as far back as the 2016 peace negotiations with the FARC rebels.


The ongoing probe is looking into several former directors of the DAS security service and more than a dozen other former or current officials at that agency. The Inspector General’s office has called both Supreme Court Justice Jaime Arrubia and President Alvaro Uribe to testify as witnesses.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.9024362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4421 >>4447

Here’s one of Space Force’s first service members


When President Donald Trump first publicly spoke about a new military branch called the Space Force a couple years ago, Bradlee Ang and his fellow cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy weren’t sure what to think.


“All of our reactions were, ‘oh, that doesn’t sound real,’ ” said Ang, of Chesapeake. “And I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon.”


But then things started happening. Fast.


Gen. John Raymond, chief of space operations for the new force, visited their Colorado campus and assured the cadets it was very real. Academy graduates could be commissioned into the force, Ang learned.


So Ang got on board. And now, after graduating early amid the coronavirus pandemic, he’s just the sixth person to join the U.S. Space Force.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.9024435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4461 >>4596

W.H.O. Continues to Obey China, Ignores Taiwan Coronavirus Success


Taiwan has “not yet” received an invitation to join a meeting this month of the World Health Organization’s (W.H.O.) lead decision-making body, the World Health Assembly, the government said on Monday.


The island state’s government said it would still strive to take part regardless, ABC News in Australia reported.


China forced Taiwan out of the global body in 2016 after the election of President Tsai Ing-wen, who China views as a separatist. It has blocked every effort since for Taiwan to regain even observer status at W.H.O.’s annual policy meeting, insisting Taiwan should not receive any considerations or honors that would be afforded to a full nation-state.


Taiwan’s exclusion from W.H.O. membership has understandably infuriated Taipei, which says its absence has created a glaring gap in the global fight against the coronavirus.


Taiwan has been praised for its handling of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. According to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University, Taiwan has 436 confirmed coronavirus cases and only six deaths.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.9024479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4523 >>4602

Federal Judge Cites “National Security” as Reason to Throw out Lawsuit over NSA Spying


People often say we shouldn’t worry about federal surveillance because the federal courts will protect our rights and ensure agencies like the NSA and FBI operate within the confines of the Fourth Amendment. A recent opinion handed down by a federal judge reveals why this is a foolish strategy.


The case dates all the way back to 2008 and has been kicked back and forth between federal courts for more than a decade.


In a decision handed down on April 25, U.S. District Judge Jeffery White declared that the feds can use its “state secret” privilege to block litigation relating to mass surveillance. As reported by Courthouse News, the Justice Department argued that “revealing whether classified evidence it gave the court proves that the government collected five named plaintiffs’ internet and phone data would in and of itself threaten national security.”


Therefore the case cannot proceed.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.9024503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coast Guard stops drug smuggling operation near Panama


MIAMI — The Coast Guard stopped a drug smuggling operation, April 13, in international waters northeast of Panama.


A Coast Guard Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew, forward deployed with the Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba (WMEC-907), spotted a suspect fishing vessel with five people aboard. The cutter Escanaba crew sent a small boat crew to the scene.


The cutter Escanaba small boat crew recovered 40 bales of cocaine, and a nearby Panamanian law enforcement boat crew recovered 43 bales, taking a total approximately $60 million wholesale that would have otherwise funded transnational criminal organizations. The 40 bales recovered by the Escanaba crew were transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter Raymond Evans (WPC-1110) crew.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 9 a.m. No.9024537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4559 >>4580 >>4596

Coronavirus drug remdesivir available this week; Gilead donating entire supply


COVID-19 drug remdesivir will be available for coronavirus patients this week, Gilead Sciences' CEO said Sunday — and the company is donating the entire supply.


Gilead CEO Daniel O'Day told CBS' "Face of the Nation":


"We intend to get [remdesivir] to patients in the early part of this next week, beginning to work with the government which will determine which cities are most vulnerable and where the patients are that need this medicine.


We've donated the entire supply that we have within our supply chain and we did that because we acknowledge and recognize the human suffering, the human need here, and want to make sure nothing gets in the way of this getting to patients."


Preliminary clinical trial results released last week showed at least 50% of the COVID-19 patients treated with a five-day dosage of remdesivir improved. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases then released a study that showed infected patients who took the remdesivir usually recovered after 11 days — four days faster than those who didn't take the drug.


Following these successful trials, the FDA granted emergency authorization for the drug to be used to treat coronavirus.


Gilead projects that it can make 1 million rounds of its 10-day treatment regimen of the drug by the end of this year.

Anonymous ID: 34574b May 4, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.9024573   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>So anything under color of “National Security” is the highest law of the land


Been that way for years