Anonymous ID: a08fbc May 4, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.9024088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4187 >>4519 >>4544 >>4588 >>4652

Anons, please join me in prayer for our president and our nation for the upcoming week:


Heavenly Father,

We come before you this morning as a people, as a nation, and as Your warriors against evil, with hope in our hearts that the enemy in our land and on your beautiful earth might be dealt a severe blow this week and throughout the coming year. We know that without You, victory is not possible. We are Your people who are called by Your name, coming humbly before You in prayer and seeking your face. By and through Your power, we are turning from our evil ways (rain that power down on us Lord!) so that you will hear our prayers from Heaven, that You will forgive us of our sins as a nation and that You will heal our land. We thank you and praise you Lord for this promise and for what you have and are doing. We thank you for the leaders that you have lifted up for such a time as these. We thank you for this GREAT AWAKENING!

Specifically Lord, we lift up President Trump and our first family to you. We pray for their health and for their protection. Keep their eyes on You and their ears open to hear Your instruction.

We pray for supernatural wisdom for the President and his Cabinet members as they work on all major issues of government while dealing with the pandemic and economy.

We pray for members of the House and Senate as they look to find ways to alleviate the economic pains being felt by Americans as a result of the pandemic shutdown. We pray that the embedded evil is confused and addled as good reigns supreme within the chambers. Continue to expose and root out this evil.

We pray for the judges of the U.S. courts who may be overburdened by the plethora of lawsuits arising from coronavirus matters. Specifically we pray Your wisdom over them as they rule on issues regarding our freedoms – our freedom to worship You, our freedom of speech, our freedom to gather, our freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Further, we pray that you would uproot the evil from the US Court System.

We pray for President Trump and Defense Secretary Esper to hear your voice as they move forward with plans to pull out of Afghanistan. (We pray protection over the people - the innocents.) We pray for their wisdom regarding Iran and their first satellite launched into space by its secret military space program and how to deal with this.

We pray for President Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo, and others dealing with China and Russia during these turbulent times.

We pray that Your will is done regarding the nation and the people of Israel. Sometimes we're not sure how to specifically pray for the nation of Israel as you have instructed us, but You know Lord.

We pray for the Treasury Department and the Small Business Administration as they work to establish some level of stability in the American economy.

We pray for all state governors and health commissioners as they each wrestle with the best practices for reopening their state’s economies and businesses.

We pray for our great military. We pray for their safety. We pray for Your wisdom to reign in the minds of the Generals and the leaders. Lead our military directly to the hiding places and strongholds of the enemy, that they can be dismantled. Supernaturally protect and heal the innocents the victims of the evil ones. Even now, we pray for the families that you have raised up to take in these little ones and abused ones that will show them another reality YOUR reality. YOUR love.

Through these uncertain times we cling to Your promise in Psalm 91:14 which reads: “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.”


We ask all these things in the Holy name of Jesus Christ and for Your Glory. And We The People said:


Anonymous ID: a08fbc May 4, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.9024360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4387 >>4395 >>4398 >>4407 >>4415 >>4436 >>4477 >>4661

EYES ON ANONS. Closing off all roads into a city? I call BULLSHIT. What's REALLY going on in Gallop?


New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham invoked the state's Riot Control Act on Friday to essentially lock down the city of Gallup after its mayor requested that she do so on Thursday. Under the act, all roads leading into Gallup are now closed off "to mitigate the uninhibited spread of COVID-19 in that city.

Anonymous ID: a08fbc May 4, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.9024395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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