Wizards & [WAR]locks.
by Major Edward Rouse, U.S. Army Retired
Throughout history, in war and peace, I have played many roles.
I am inspiration.
I am motivation.
I am intimidation.
I am deception.
I was the inspiration for Hannibal to take his elephants over the Alps.
I was the motivation in the words "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" and "Remember the Alamo".
I was the intimidation of the sound of Gideon's trumpets.
I was the deception used against the Trojans.
I was and I am…PSYOP.
I rode with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Sun Tsu.
I saw action in both World Wars and in Korea and Vietnam.
I helped bring a speedy victory in Just Cause and Desert Storm.
I brought the hope of peace to Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan
I was and I am…PSYOP.
I was the "talking tanks" asking the Nazi soldiers, "why die for a lost cause?"
I was the leaflet which told the Japanese to "Cease Resistance".
I was the Commando Solo broadcasts to the Taliban warning them that,
"we will destroy those who harbor terrorism.
I was and I am…PSYOP.
I bring the light of truth where before lay the darkness of lies.
I deliver hope to those who are in despair.
I bring fear to those who believe their actions are without consequence.
I was and I am…PSYOP.
I am that voice that tells the enemy to surrender or die.
I am the shadow of doubt that makes the enemy question their actions.
I am that power of influence that despots despise.
I was and I am…PSYOP.
I am the broadcast of reason over radio, television and loudspeaker.
I am the light of truth in print media, leaflet, newspaper, handbill or poster.
I am the force multiplier that wins my country's wars.
I was, I am and I will forever remain…PSYOP.
Knowledge is never Told, Only Learned.
++Blunt and Direct Time++
Know your Enemy.
Know your Frens.
Be well read, Knowledge is Power.
You need to help the [C] see, then [C] will be exposed, only with [C] can this happen.
[C] = Cattle, [sheep], Citizens
[C] = Couruption, Crooks, Criminals
[C] = Cooperation, Community, Collective
[C] = … … … … … .
Learn your Q[l]ues
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We can only be the light.
We cannot tell you what to do.
Those who know, Know.
Those who see, See.
Those who hear, Hear.
Only Justice should be Blind.
Shine a light of Truth.
Together we are strong.
Divided we are weak.
(((THEY))) want You divided
Stay Strong Patriots.
Together We Win!!