http:// uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title12-section411&num=0&edition=prelim
Federal Reserve System established after (((they))) killed most/all the influential /ourguys/ against it via TITANIC. Q said:
>Nov 7 2017 19:05:59
Anonymous ID: NOjYqEdl
The graphic is your key.
Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.
Was the money worth it?
>Nov 12 2017 12:16:24
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 99LpGawB
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
Titanic destroyed last of the REAL resistance towards Federal Reserve, which basically gave our money over to the (((globalist))). WE are using THEIR money, borrowed through (((their))) private bank aka FEDERAL RESERVE - by extension, the WORLD.
OUR MONEY IS FAKE KIKE MONEY - bonafide FIAT theft of OUR labor, OUR resources, OUR very lands, and OUR LIVES as COLLATERAL to BORROW.
(((They))) came to collect during the 'great depression' - gobbling up all the lands in the midwest after proverty stricken farmers sold em to the (((banks))) for penny on the dollar!
(((They))) now control OUR food/land resources!