Anonymous ID: 0b1770 May 4, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.9029720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it time to get militant? Plenty of rightnowfags and corncernfags are aqtually echoing some of my thoughts. Q has seemed to lately be edging towards kinetic activity ("stand up" "Government fears..", "MAY DAY") on our part.


We are running out of time for this awakening. If 41020 doesn't lift the curtain soon, we are going to be staring down an election that will be rife with fraud and praying for an outcome that should not even be a question.


It is time to make a list of those folks that need to meet some citizens' grand juries in the event of an electoral robbery. I AM NOT SUGGESTING VIOLENCE. I am suggesting that we give these folks a notice. A notice that should they cheat 41020 out of victory or worse yet attempt the unthinkable, that we know who they are.


A day will come when it is not safe for them to walk down the streets. Let's make sure they know who THEY are.


I am going to start building my prosecutorial files for these Kabal members.


At the top of the list, I am putting all of the federal judges that denied standing to WE THE PEOPLE and to the states that sought proof that Homobama was eligible. We were never given a day in court to argue why we should be entitled to evidence that the renegade was even eligible for the highest office in the world.


The list of those that should know they are on the bubble will be extensive. I hope this is an exercise in futility, but there is a need to make a list of those that we have dug that have clearly committed crimes against we the people with enough evidence in the open record for them to be tried immediately.


Clay Land, you are first on the list. You are going to be charged with Contempt of the People, Treason and likely many other charges. Time for you to turn "people's evidence" for a chance at leniency at your trial.


I will collect names and charges from anons that believe there is prosecution predicated and will post this consolidated list as it grows.