Anonymous ID: b09d11 May 4, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9029473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9028165 (pb)


I admitted I LOL’d at this and was ready to jump on board, but I read one of the responses that made me realize Q+ out there playing 5D chess and this strat feels like checkers. Lying to the public with disinfo is what the left MSM does. The strategy I have been using is showing people truths about CNN/MSM and how they lie and how voter fraud is applied by the dems with things likes Project Veritas videos. Embedded here is an undercover video on voter fraud In NYC where Dems admit people are bussed around to vote more than once in different districts. If people start compiling the memes you suggest where we are trying to trick people into demanding VoterID and they make a big deal about it on MSM, good luck getting your friends and family and most NPCs to trust the Q movement. Even if only a 5% of memefags partake in this idea it will damage the reputation of everyone on here trying to run honest warfare. Using their videos and compiled links over months on this board I got a PhD professor who was addicted to CNN and PBS and hated Trump and refused to believe much of what I was saying to him about the MSM and Hillary, to stop watching CNN and listening to NPR and have a mistrust of the DNC. It was not an overnight process but now he trusts me for the news and ignores the disinfo. This is someone I love and care about, I am not trying to trick them but wake them up.


Is it easier to to trick people with disinfo? Yes. But those are also shady tactics used by those whose truths are damning otherwise and have to rely on manipulation. We want to wake up people to the truth not trick and deceive them into it. Fighting fire with fire is not how the world will shift to the other extreme. Just my opinion. You do you.