Anonymous ID: 5d8b5a May 4, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.9030706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0751 >>0762 >>0822 >>0831 >>0867 >>0897

Why do you think that Mueller and Comey are Deep State?


Everyone seems to be on the Mueller/Comey hate train right now over the Flynn investigation stuff because they haven't actually read the report. Once the Mueller report info (specifically the testimony from the transition team) is used to help exonerate Flynn, then maybe your confirmation bias will be lessened enough to consider these facts about Mueller and his report:


  1. If Mueller was Deep State, he would have lied in the report saying that POTUS was guilty of colluding with Russia. The Deep State lied about everything else. They fabricated and then gave information to FISC claiming, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information was accurate, verified, and no exculpatory evidence was left out. They even doctored communications from the Intelligence Community and submitted it to the court. Now we are seeing they also lied about Flynn and set him up. Why would Mueller not only EXONERATE Trump, but also go so far as to say that the campaign actually rebuffed offers from Russians? These facts aren't consistent with the opinion that Mueller is Deep State.


  1. The Mueller Report provides Barr and Durham with probable cause to investigate EVERYONE INVOLVED with the entire thing. The fact that the report concluded that there was no evidence is all they need since the evidence used to get the FISA warrants was UNVERIFIABLE proving that the warrants were obtained illegally.


  1. Did you know that both the left and right wing media were originally vehemently opposed to Mueller's appointment? Do you really think that Flynn is the only one who set up the Deep State? Mueller gave the DS attorneys enough rope to hang themselves and they'll hang. Just watch.


  1. Mueller basically told everyone that POTUS appointed him as the special counsel with RR. Let me explain Executive Privilege to you guys. All information discussed with POTUS is privileged. If they discuss toe cheese, it's privileged. Mueller was told he was allowed to answer certain questions by POTUS. Watch: he answers "yes", or "no" to the first three questions and then when asked if he talked about the special counsel with POTUS and RR, he answers "I can't get into discussions on that". Huh.


So why exactly do people think that Mueller is DS? What actions did he take that benefited the DS? All I see is him exonerating Trump, and providing an avenue to investigate the investigators given that the Mueller Report stated that there was no evidence of collusion at all meaning the investigation was started illegally since they weren't able to verify the "evidence" that was used to get the FISA warrants. I've seen people talking about how Mueller was involved in Uranium One, but I dug on that and couldn't find jack shit and I'm willing to bet none of you can prove it but if anyone has info, I'd love to see it. Even so, the prior facts about the outcomes of the report are still undeniable.


And now it's all about Comey with the Flynn investigation. Do you guys even know how Comey was involved? McCabe came to him and said they had probable cause to go interview Flynn. What is Comey supposed to do? Investigate every claim his subordinates make or trust them to be telling the truth? Nothing would ever get done if you had to investigate every single claim that came across your desk and automatically assume everyone working for you is lying. Meanwhile, no one is talking about the person who actually orchestrated the whole Flynn ordeal: McCabe. It was McCabe who put the team together, it was McCabe who had the 302 altered, it was McCabe who was mentioned numerous times in the Strzok Page texts. And yet no one is talking about him. Huh. It's almost like they don't want you to focus on the actual perpetrators. The IG report by Horowitz corroborated Comey's testimony and said that Comey was lied to over and over again by: guess who, McCabe, Strzok, Page.


I welcome the ad hominem since that's all I'm going to get because this place is basically fuckbook now, forget any actual research, you niggers don't want to hear anything that challenges your narrative because you don't give a fuck about the truth. You just listen to Fox News as opposed to CNN and then refuse to be open minded when presented with factual information that challenges your narrative. There's literally no difference between the "Orange Man Bad!" reactions from the left and the "Mueller/Comey Bad!" reactions from you guys. Nothing but pure emotional ad hominem and exactly 0 arguments supported by factual information. Every piece of information you receive goes through the filter of "Mueller/RR/Comey Bad!" which keeps you from seeing what's actually going on. Do you really think that Sessions is the ONLY PERSON who would take a hit publicly before being vindicated? Don't get all upset when Comey, RR, and Mueller aren't indicted.