Anonymous ID: 5a1ee9 May 4, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9033395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now that so many are coming back to reality and going outside…where the china virus only lives for a couple minutes in the sunlight…it seems some are forgetting what it was that helped so much.


In cali and michigan and other states/cities people are escaping their socialist-forced isolation they are beginning to crowd.


This is just one result of the naivete of people being willing to accept the globalist scum con of using "social" distancing rather than the original "Physical" distancing.


As one can see, now that the moronic quarantine of healthy people is ending, people are right back to congregating closely because psychologically they feel the are no longer required to distance from "society" as the globalist scum wanted…but because they didn't ingrain "Physical" distancing they are back to crowding together…actually another aspect of the globalist pigs and their mind slave media; knowing that once people accepted the psyop con of getting people to accept distancing themselves from society that they would not handle re-opening society well and forgetting that "Physical" distancing is what was needed and is needed even more now that so many are coming out from under the globalist scum's sick con because this aspect of their sick, evil con is to get people close together again so they can hopefully get another round death.


YES! Get outside to save your life!

NO! Do Not Wear a Mask If You Are Healthy! Masks are for the sick and the people looking after the sick!

The china virus is NOT an airborne pathogen! The wearing of masks is used to:

Prove to the globalists that you are still their slave.

Serves the purpose of creating and stoking fear.

Keeps supply of necessary items from the front line workers

Helps lower your immune response by placing your body into a state of oxygen deprivation and carbon dioxide toxicity which creates a host of problems that are dangerous if actually moving around!




Keep Physical Distancing FTW!!