Coderanon. Got my Atari 800 when I was 12, did mostly Basic but learned a bit of 6502 assembler. (6502 was an 8 bit processor, was in the Atari 800/400, Vic 20 and Commodore 64, and Apple ][. Its little brother - the 6507, I think - was in the Atari 2600 game system.)
Trying to think of what to take apart with this.
– Steganography?
– Extra crap in headers?
– Q's pictures?
– .mil's pictures?
How open is Chrome? (Refuse to use it) Stuff hiding in there?
MacOS itself?
Windows 10 itself?
Android on various platforms?
I think it can't be something Q team put out into the world, would violate natsec, so has to be someone else.
Take apart WoW? Take apart Star Wars: Commander?
XBox Firmware?
Just spitballin'…