Also re. web browser, using a request to the server with a small image, one can output code, i.e JavaScript which can then be loaded and inject code into your web browser. Generally this must be done from the same domain due to brwoser security. But I'm sure using images maybe able to get around this security restriction.
Also re. web browser, using a request to the server with a small image, one can output code, i.e JavaScript can then be loaded and inject code into your web browser. Generally this must be done from the same domain due to browser security. But I'm sure using images maybe able to get around this security restriction.
See it in action with a PDF….
Convert the image to binary…
Save result as ".bin" file
Open Ghidra???
>files contain headers which are more telling of the contents
Not if that content contains API calls to load remote libraries.
And how does the CIA get their classified tools onto the public internet?