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Fresh Qanon hit piece from The Spectator, incorporating adrenochrome 'conspiracy theory'


Fear and adrenochrome


The conspiracy theory right is addicted to crazy ideas about a drug


Ben Sixsmith


May 4, 2020


‘Adrenochrome is a drug that the elites love,’ says gossip columnist-turned-conspiracy-theorist Liz Crokin. ‘It comes from children. The drug is extracted from the pituitary glands of tortured children. It’s sold on the black market. It’s the drug of the elites. It is their favorite drug. It is beyond evil. It is demonic. It is so sick.’


When I read this, I wondered where I had heard of adrenochrome before. Of course — Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, when Hunter S. Thompson is given a taste of the drug by his half-mad attorney:


‘“Where’d you get this?” I asked. “You can’t buy it.” “Never mind,” he said. “It’s absolutely pure.” I shook my head sadly. “What kind of monster client have you picked up this time? There’s only one source for this stuff.” He nodded. “The adrenaline glands of a living human body,” I said. “It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.”’


This passage bubbled beneath the surface of American popular culture for decades. In 2009, Mark Dice, who is Alex Jones without the charm, referred to it in The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, which implied that Thompson was some kind of Satanist pedophile. Adrenochrome also featured in the bizarre Matrix series — the esoteric books, not the films starring Keanu Reeves — as the preferred snack of extraterrestrials.


In 2018, rumors spread online that a video was circulating on the dark web showing Hillary Clinton and her staffer Huma Abedin mutilating a girl in order to harvest adrenochrome from her terrified body. No such video ever came to light, of course, but a meme had taken hold. Remember Pizzagate? Fervid elements of Donald Trump’s base convinced themselves that leaked emails between Democratic operatives contained some kind of code for the operations of an elite child-abuse ring centered on a DC pizza restaurant. The idea convinced one man to fire a gun in the restaurant and another to attempt to burn it down.


These fringe Trumpers have convinced themselves that the President is fighting an elite cabal of pedophiles and the ‘deep state’ apparatus that protects them. A purported insider named ‘Q’ has left cryptic posts on the message board 4Chan that detail Trump’s alleged plans for an event called ‘the Storm’ in which hundreds of his depraved opponents will be arrested. Somehow President Trump has never got around to doing this after more than three years in office.


The epithet ‘the Storm’ is derived from the time Trump informed the White House press pool in 2017 that he was ‘the calm before the storm’. The statement baffled journalists at the time, though Trump later expanded by saying ‘I am the storm.’ I think the simplest explanation is that he was running his mouth, not dropping occult references to some kind of millenarian apocalypse.


We must remember that secretive elite sex criminals do exist. There was Jeffrey Epstein and his international exploitative enterprises. There was Ed Buck, the wealthy Democrat donor, with his bizarre fondness for injecting black men with crystal meth. There were the Hollywood pedos exposed in the film An Open Secret. There were depraved men as diverse as Michael Jackson and Marcial Maciel, the Mexican priest who founded the Legion of Christ.


So there is nothing wrong with theorizing about elite sex criminals per se. But theories about elite sex criminality tend to inflate its scale and organization while defying epistemic standards. For example, when celebrities started being diagnosed with coronavirus, a reasonable person might have concluded that this was predictable: they do a lot of traveling and hand-shaking and have above-average access to testing. Not the QAnon crowd, though. They thought quarantined celebrities were being secretly arrested. Their excitement was dampened when Tom Hanks left his quarantine in Australia and returned to LA, but they soon devised a theory that the pilots of his plane were actually federal agents.

