You've been posting these for days. What do you actually have against Gen. Flynn?
Depending on where you are located (i.e., USDA growing zone) the time to put in your garden is NOW, for food later. Same things with small livestock of fowl or rabbits.
Take responsibility, but get going now and you will be more self-sufficient already.
That does not take away from the fact that people have needs now, but it's always wise to do something to help yourself down the road, even a few months.
Did you do the research and check to see engagement during that span of 3 hours daily?
What did your research show about prevalence of the hashtags during that timespan?
We went through this last night, it's not difficult. Again I'm not asking about the new, unused hashtag, but about the existing ones.
This is really basic.
So, where are the charts of engagement level during that span of time? Of the use of those hashtags then?
The point is really obvious - planning an op requires planning - which means getting the information before starting.
>3 months as you wait for garden which you can't buy seeds for without mask
Even in the states where you can't buy seeds in person, you can buy them from the same store for curbside pickup the same day.
Not doing something for yourself & your family that you can now while complaining is just irresponsible.
>Why would that matter?
Planning an Op requires gathering information that will help to make the Op successful.
Someone who is supposedly planning an Op for socials who does not understand that basic research to even see if there is engagement during that period of time is very troubling. The resistance to doing the basic due diligence is even worse.