The only thing he could've found was the link in encrypted form. The file is too small to contain the PDF. I'd say he's lying - no reason not to post where the link was.
The only thing he could've found was the link in encrypted form. The file is too small to contain the PDF. I'd say he's lying - no reason not to post where the link was.
The only picture I've found anything is the punisher pic with the grey stripe at the lower edge. That one has 60kb of extra data. Went through it with a hex editor and binwalk. There's two valid png blocks of which the first is the image. The second I have no idea what is.
Latest flag image:
Offset 0 (0x00):
File type: Portable Network Graphics image
Extension: png
MIME type: image/png
Offset 138 (0x8a):
File type: Zlib Deflate
Extension: zlib
MIME type: application/x-deflate
Offset 396 (0x18c):
File type: MPEG-3 audio
Extension: mp3
MIME type: audio/mpeg
Offset 5255 (0x1487):
File type: Zlib Deflate
Extension: zlib
MIME type: application/x-deflate
Offset 18864 (0x49b0):
File type: MPEG-3 audio
Extension: mp3
MIME type: audio/mpeg
Offset 24673 (0x6061):
File type: Zlib Deflate
Extension: zlib
MIME type: application/x-deflate