Is the whole premise of a pandemic based on "fake data"? The top story on gives evidence that coronavirus testing is inaccurate. Pic related.
The ENTIRE virus "op" was incestuous and seems to plausibly connect the US NIH (including Fauci) who should have know HCQ was a good treatment candidate 15 years ago, Bill Gates (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pirbright, Event 201), and multiple other players who stood to make billions (if not trillions) of dollars off of a vaccine that would be required for re-entry into society as well as a drug treatment that would cost over $1000 (Remdisivir).
Not to forget,of course, that the US NIH directly funded research at the Wuhan lab in the center of this! If the release of the virus and its political use in the US had American accomplices imagine the plausible accusations of treason and attempted genocide that could result.