Warning for their leaders to get their shit together.
Merkel has been buddying up to Rouhani and Putin all of a sudden. IDK what is going on with May. I want to believe May is on our side, but I'm not sure.
Russia is a curious situation bc I trust Putin but Q eludes to the fact that the cabal is trying to make Russia the new NK. IDK if that means they are trying to play to his desire to protect his country by giving him weapons tech, or if it means they are blaming poisonings on Russia, or what. I hope Putin keep a cool head.
I do know that we cannot just let Putin/Russia join up with Iran bc we cannot and do not want to be at war with Iran and Russia at the same time.
Fuck you cabal!
Interesting coincidence that POTUS just met with the Baltic Heads this week.
What does the sign say?
>trusting the plan
>trusting the plan
>trusting the plan
Merkel coming April 27, Macron coming April 24.
Oops, forgot ss.
Merkel coming April 27, Macron coming April 24.
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-germany-merkel/germanys-merkel-plans-to-visit-trump-as-trade-deadline-looms-bild-idUSKCN1HC1DD
That's why we are trying to keep the people who do that isolated to one region and not spreading to other regions of the world. South America and Mexico MUST deal with this. These are THEIR people.