I remember that show when I was a kid. Flashbacks !!!
Hello Ai Anon .
Il hang out here thanks baker.
Yep ole Eric Schmidtypants and his anti white people goon squad .
I work in professional sport that has many overseas Asian players .many Chinese and Taiwanese . They have NO personality . They have zero chance to defeat us . They cannot think outside of their controlled conditioned governements fear based methods. This will be their downfall. They do not know how to deal with Americans ego's and personality's they shut down or look confused. They have no chance to defeat us .NONE. Weak minded all they can do is try to rip people off and steal from each other. They have no sense of community or loyalty. It was told to me by a Chinese man . In China if you are not trying to rip off you're neighbor or scam someone you are not doing things right. Stealing and deceit are part of the culture and expected. These Chinese have nothing but numbers to fight against us. Copycat thieves . Wipe them off the face of the earth for all I care. The dindus of asia.
I have been seeing a real push to get rid of us here. I am seeing serious anti conservative ,anti white people advertising and mind control by the big company's the last few days . Way more than the usual forcing blacks to stick their noses into everything we are doing. PANIC MODE. You better be scared of us white men you filth. We will join together and wipe every single commie liberal filth animal off this planet . BET ME .
You forgot . Cabal is going to hell .
Blow me faggot. Post some more music nobody listens too
IHS on his chest ! Jesuits THE enemy !!!!!!!!!!!
KEK !!!
Somebody is trying to escape from their fate .
Erase them from the planet . Most worthless creatures ever created in the entire universe .
Anyone have eyes on the ground in ATL? Can you get over to the airport or call them and ask what is happening ? Any intel?
Central florida here . Mockingbirds (real birds) singing at 3 am 4 am is daily happening now . Something is wrong with the resonance for sure.
Dig him up then [ Roosevelt]
Trips confim . Q wins -CLOWNS LOSE
Good thinking Anon .
We love Q and Q+ !!!!
Good Morning Boss man hope you got some rest .
I heard fuckface Obama faggot gets his daily presidential briefings as well . He also travels to air force bases and has meetings . [BHO]
Nigger Obama probably still has top secret access to information . His Secret service protection team ? Do they work outside the law ? Who the fuck is the Obama scum anyway ? He is a civilian . Should have 0 access to MacDill AFB!! Air force could be comped . They control the sky as well that's why we see chem trails everyday . Obama and his Air force working outside President Trump . I am so pissed off you have no idea . I would rip Bo limb from limb !! Tear him to shreds !!!
YOU know he is trying to take down President Trump . I think he is planning anything he can to become world leader. I hope his conviction embarrassment for being a fake president is humiliating to the MAX. I hope his final moment is very very painful .
Obama needs to be taken off the streets in my opinion . I don't care who fucking riots . Let them animals riot . Obama cannot be free anymore he is way too dangerous to Potus .The Air force needs checked out as well. Anyone having secret meetings with Obama in the military is comped . PERIODYou better protect MY PRESIDENT whoever is watching !!! You do not want millions and millions of white armed American men pissed off .
80 IQ animals going to be getting DAT FOOD BOX SOON !!! No more being king of the welfare jungle. No more extra funds to go to da club !! How you going to breed when you have no funds food box boy ?You black assholes are going down to your knee.
Ok we been ready for months dude.Do this !
FOODBOX NIGGA !!! HOW YOU GOING TO SCAM THAT ? No more welfare fraud means you cant breed niglets because you have to be responsible for them . HAHAHAHAHA GO GET YOUR FOOD BOX BOY !!!
40 replys because I am a fucking soldier asshat! Read my responses you will see I am real Anon to the max.
Yes I remember but was Obamas last trip to Mac Dill AFB recently ? What was he doing there and why is the question .
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Donald Trumps personal texting app !! KEKMAX !! Get em Big guy !!!!