>>9046167 pb
Also if any of you watched that Myron Fegan video dropped a few daya ago.. It gives a very indepth perspecrive on the last one hundred years.
And something just struck me..
The MO is the same!
They were trying to form the UN .. League of nations first… But for that they needed a war… Ww1 later… They tried again..
ww2 later and everyone was clamoring for an organization that will keep the peace….
Now.. doctors are speaking out about forced deaths… And i get the feeling we're being blackmailed into their system. They will keep killing us, until they get what they want. Chip and slavery.
The MO is the same..
So many elites pushing vaccines, chips, tracing, universal healthcare…
They want socialism, universal heathcare and implanted trackers in everyone.. Total govt control over you.. And seem that this. ' pandemic' is what they are using to sell this to american people who have never lived under socialism…
But thank God there are many who escaped it and came here to tell the tale.
This will be the total enslavement of people. And its a one way street.
Once you've destroyed the economy.. It's fucking impossible to get enterpreneurs back.. Socialism crushes evwrything under its feet. There is no free spirit in any of those countries. Slaves. Once you give away power to the government.. They don't ever give it back.
Are you awake yet?
Food for thought..