Q posts a tool for REVERSE ENGINEERING software to VERIFY that it functions as advertised.
The very next drop is an image of a gift.
Some of use REVERSE IMAGE SEARCHED that photo to VERIFY whether or not it had been photoshopped. We learned that the photo was first used in a Consumer Reports article about Health related gifts.
Consumer Reports is a site that REVERSE ENGINEERS consumer products to VERIFY that they function as advertised.
Do you see a theme emerging?
The big news of the past 6 weeks has been TESTING people to VERIFY whether or not they are sick. Sometimes the tests could be TRUSTED and sometimes not.
The President of Tanzania VERIFIED that the tests were functioning as advertised and learned that they could not be TRUSTED.
VERIFY before you TRUST
There is a lesson here for those who
Think critically
People should have a TOOLKIT to VERIFY things before they GIVE THEIR TRUST.
Don't just wrap up your TRUST with pretty ribbons and hand it over as a GIFT
Verify first.
Here is one guy who put together a TOOLKIT to VERIFY what was going one when people in the USA protested the killing of Soleimani. He found out who was supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.