let them then join class action litigation against them.
attributing us to that person is the typcial tactic almost seems like they admit that they are planning a pogrom.
it's the tactics of the peopel they pretend to be against.
Are all the people also doxed?
so they know that they are all bad peopel even though they haven't read any of the stuff yet?
who ever reads other people's posts for purposes of only finding bad things to call them Hitlet, that type is the type that are as bad, or worse, as they claim that Hitlet is.
their hypocracy is legion. We know this.
trying not to let it burn me up.
can the pogrom be far from their mind?
they care not who or what we are or say.
all they care is that are seen as 'Hitler' so they can justiffy the evil that they have already decided to do.
No Cut-sies?
when is it OK to say 'look it, this person has a cane, and is very old and seriously do we want them waiting outside int he wind to get groceries?
like if was a heavy snow day are we supposed to queue up on the snowbanks along the side of the mall? We'll all stand under the roof in a stiff blizzard and very very old people . . . will have to fight off ravining wolves down the parking lot near the laundermat. Huddle in.
So ya, this wait on the sidewalk policy is bogus and I'm sick of it.
And we need a a national cut-sies policies.
people get nasty if you cut in line!!
culturally line-cutting has always been frowned upon by the crowds in line.
We say thanks to Q and why should Q appologize?
life goes on. The shill says 'whatever happens . . . you are bad' .
there is no situation that would please you, nothing any sane person could do except to say look at what you do. you spread fear and confusion and try to augment the pain of others who need to feel like these days will pass quicker, if we work together.
you write a scinario where these people are supposed to have the results as if they are gods and magic. they are people.
you have unrealistic and outragous expectations but your real purpose here seems to be to throw cold water on people who need warmth and compassion instead.
not like a troll, not a catch and release, and cheer up youre being guible, but a "here is a kick in your pants in the early AM just because I can and we go money from your government to do it to you ha ha ha"
See how we can make up things too?
but what purpose do these fictions serve?
you either work with or you are working against just by being in the way.
clear out of the space of nonsense because a warm wind of sweeping change is going to tornado through there, in short order, to clean it all up and wisk off to parts apart and away (where they can do no harm) all those who say 'what . . . you be unfare . . . blah blah shil blah blah' and some hoodoo mistaken phrase of nonsensical ranting incongruent diatribe of false narrative . . .
(the poster says 'stop doing the auto maniacal typeing of nonsensical nonsequatorial . . .
buh buh . . . I want to be so appropos and show the world I know the flow . . .
buh buh you don't and you cross the line of that time when you saw the meme and it said 'I see shill people. The don't even know that they are shills' . . .
OK, I've bene to urban dictionary and it's vexing me.
the word is pronounced 'cut-see' and the plural is pronounced 'cut-sees' or 'cut-seas'.
obviously the word isn't spelled like that.
what is a cut-sea? when you cut in line, of course.
and people usually will say it like this: no cut-sees
but how do we spell the word ?
I've tried to find a real use of it and often it is about cute people. And cutsie is a 'cute person' in a semi-pejorative description.
not the same word at all.
so my (stupid question?) how does one spell what is pronounced cut-sees and means 'line-cutting'
"I see shill people"
it's a brillient meme.
Aren't I actually admitting to what you say in your put down toward me?
my point? Q is Q, we are anon. We don't need shill-splaners telling us what Q should or shouldn't do.
Q is a real person or group and not a sock puppet for shills.
so be a 'you-low-IQ anon you how dare you' kind of anon.
what does it matter?
I still don't know how to spell cut-sees. where are the grammar kitty types when you need them?
be nice, man. It won't hurt you.
oh, ya, I'm a DARPA bot. you're an idiot.
where can I sent the invoice for my 'services?'
the reason I want to know how to spell cutsees correctly is so I can meme like your image, with the quote that says something like 'you know that there are not cutsees, right'?
It can't be 'no cutskis' because then people will say 'you anti-polish bigot!~
A linquist describes what he hears.
the term is pronounced as I said it, people are creative like this and it's common.
the word 'cut-sees' is a real word and used in real encounters.
so it would properly be:
"no cuttsies even for cuties?"
but if you are old or infirm . . .
Thank you that makes a bit of sense.
no one has yet chimed in on my query about when is it ok to say 'OMG this person is really old, maybe we put them in the front of the line and given them quicker entry.'
what I'm calling 'Cuttsie policy'
special access for the handicapped.
also what happens if there is a blizzard with these lines outside the super markets?
TY for an actual useful answer.
you like to insult people.
stupid or smart?
smart to try and elevate the conversation.
discussing when people do get to cut in line at the supermarket is useful.