Well it's plain to see that Q-Poster is sneaking up
on some DC Swamp Creatures this morning
If Q-Poster creeps slowly enough maybe he
will not spook them before 2050
Wold hate it if they bolted and ran before the 2050 projected arrest date
Well it's plain to see that Q-Poster is sneaking up
on some DC Swamp Creatures this morning
If Q-Poster creeps slowly enough maybe he
will not spook them before 2050
Wold hate it if they bolted and ran before the 2050 projected arrest date
That message better mean that a target has been engaged
… and if it was then I am sorry for the rough language I have directed toward you these past several days
….. if not expect me to double down
Some one is going to print up a fake ID
and hit that shit — Can feel it is going to
happen — fact is she has already agreed
Prior Consent
The Judge has been alerted to the Texas AG's words
You know that he is starting to sweat on what to do now