The news on ABC AUSTRALIA is also 100% fake. People have no idea of the true extent of the con. Pretty much every segment is controlled and staged. by actors. Pretty much every interview with a "real person" is a very carefully selected person who knows how to stay on script. Even filler shots of street scenes may be staged, like a shot of people standing on a sidewalk social distancing in public, is actually contrived with actors brought in to pretend to be people social distancing on a sidewalk. Now maybe most people would be fine with random street scenes being staged, but I'm not. We should be alerted by ABC which scenes are manufactured and which scenes are real. Because ABC Australia is presenting these images as though they're real. And it then begs the question, how far does the forgery go? And I'm saying it goes right through EVERY news story. I'll say it again, EVERY single person in EVERY news story, in EVERY interview, is an actor in some form or another, either completely in on the con and scripted, or otherwise selected with the certainty that the person will stick to the accepted mantra. ABC Australia is 100% fake news mind control propaganda and is an enemy of the Australian people.