Damnnnnnnnn, she is straight up turning the press's quotes right back on them!!! Whew, you GO, girl!!
Man. She hit them HARD
Gutfeld picking it right up and running with it. I am amazed — he just said he loved it. And she even called out Fox
And then some. That was incredible just now
An anon just posted one, scroll up a little
That was unbelievable. They're probably still sitting there, stunned
Fact is, this guy did everything by the book. I was prepared to be pissed off when I watched this but I'm not. I don't even think he agrees with the business being closed. But it IS against the law to have a firearm on the premises where alcohol is sold. That's the fact. Signs are always posted to let people know that, too.
The order may be wrong, but his job is to enforce it so he did.
This was NOT a 2A rights protest. No signs, people in masks and body armor.
He is clearly not a drone. Humble guy. I'm actually impressed.
Regardless of your motivation, thank you for posting it. Great video.
Theres nothing there to change
Watch the video, maybe? He enforced a law. Firearms are NOT allowed on premises where alcohol is sold in Texas
He explained it all in a very reasonable and humble manner. All respect to this guy.
The problem, if there is one here, is the order written by GREG ABBOTT which disallowed this woman to open her business. This Sheriff did NOT write the order. His Governor did. He did his job and enforced it.
There were people there with guns in masks and body armor. He protected his men when walking into a situation which could have gone south and gotten them killed.
If ALL LEO did their jobs this way, we would be in a lot better shape in this country.
The law he actually enforced is an old one in Texas, and has zilch to do with the lockdown, asshat. And enforcing the law is his job. It is NOT an unconstitutional law. Did you make it past the 8th grade? Do you even live in Texas? The answer to both must be no, or youd have known better