Anons, I need your advice. I am pretty sure I had KungFlu in Oct 2019. My employer is offering 5 min finger stick rapid antibody testing. They aren't swabbing, just a drop of blood. If I were positive, it would confirm I had it in October way before this blew up. Would you do i?
KEK! I didn't think it through that far. I am pretty sure it is like a glucose test you take to check your Diabeeeetahhhhs and they throw out the test strip, it is not sent to a lab.
KEK!!! This is the antibody test, not the swab! I might be a fruit tho…
Because I am a Healthcare worker and I would like to have an argument of having antibodies in case they force the mark of the beast. This tax could be the end of my nursing career if they try to force it.
*vax Sorry!
My facility is actually pretty cool. They don't make us do Flu vax if we don't want to, which is unheard of…they usually force you or you are terminated. This place would never keep a record. It is completely voluntary and I could have my RN friend do it. There is no swab test. It literally is a drop of blood on a test strip and they read it 5 min later.
Well, I hope they are not doing some kind of fuckery to comp POTUS security. LG is as much as a POS as Chinestein.