Q do'nt let them suffer I will take it them go
I'm already screwed in my mind from the war spare them
Well if you can't make them eat the truth
make the m smell it live it
what 15 times
Q i love you guys but fuck dude
shit is going sideways boyz
these people are like sheep..Q open the eyes bro
we can't do 6 moths from now with no fucking cash dude
Btw thanx for the 1200 paid a car payment and some food
gotta pay for that house….thanks for that chump change
stop playing with our lived..you getting paid stop playing
what Pelosi going show up and sign some shit..I have been on the Q train Day one..wtf..do I need to live in the street firast
Fuck i been working i gotta friggin sleep thanks Mfers
be sheep biathces