The USA is ready!
Canada is prepared too.
The USA is ready!
Canada is prepared too.
Hopefully folks are waking up about TRUST
We can't trust anybody or anything
Without systems and processes in place
Typical CLOWN!
Encourages people to close their mind to ideas
To only follow those who spout the politically correct party line
Wants you to reinforce the echo chamber of confirmation bias.
There is a job to be done
That can only be done by by the people, awakened.
All the power is with the people
Because WE THE PEOPLE are the ultimate system of VERIFICATION.
Q's Y refers to Y-heads
Which is totally unrelated to antibodies
Unless you want to believe that medieval monarchs
Somehow genetically modified the whole human race
Y-heads are the descendants of PREHISTORIC hunting societies
Who followed prehistoric belief systems
Which the call NATURAL LAW
Nature red of tooth and claw
Dominate or be dominated
Social Darwinism
Having the gold gives you the right to rule
Can you see how this belief system might lead those at the to of the hierarchy
To cover themselves inGOLD
Like Adele Bloch-Bauer
Woman in Gold
The last 2 images show some of the details in the painting where real GOLD leaf was applied to the painting. And the symbolism is obvious, I hope.