I did.
I figured it was a very slow virus with multiple waves and probable long term immune compromise in at least 1/3 of those infected.
multiple attachment sites and also once protease cleaved it can allow new spike proteins. Also macrophage 169+ delivery to immune response and infection of them. Also I know my shit, and it is a perfect bio-weapon.
I did almost 70 percent of it.
So Yup i did my part not my problem id people are stupid and get sick.
R0 near measles, long incubation, unpredictable symptoms, no long term studies on long term effects but infects T Lymphocytes (HIV)
how fucking old are you?
and no they just klilled all the ones infected in China.
Well then you never had measles.
what do they call it?
addition of invective, no, addition of communicability, i forget
but bio weapon shit.
the 2008 article is the first one they are impressed with results of adding HIV to Corona SARS