That's a test anon, colours, size etc.
Just taught myself how to do curved text in Gimp (no interweb yesterday gave me time)
Ty anon
>one of the easiest ways to get curved text is by using Inkscape
I tried it, but didn't want to learn a new program, Kek.
Curving text in Gimp is 'following paths'
Create circle, turn it into a path, write text, click 'text to path'
There is some fucking around with top text is 'outside circle', bottom text is 'inside'.
I use concentric circles to get it where I want it.
>Other bits to it, once you get it down, it's easy-ish.
thanks anon.
Had no interweb yesterday, change to fibre.
Router at Postie sorting dept.
>Fucking dark ages yesterday.
Gave me time to finally getting around to figuring text thing.
Once you get things down in Gimp, they easy.
> I gotta get proficient in gimp.
Do it. Learning new stuff keeps the mind active.
>Moar badges coming soon
TY Anon
> I gotta get proficient in gimp.
Yeah, once I got my head around top text goes on outside and bottom on inside.
Make my path just below or above where I want text.
Clunky at first, got fairly proficient after couple of hours.
>Muscle memory will be built!
Dubs check'd
Watch a vidya on YouTube. Just take the bits you needHow to make a path.
Draw circle, then under 'edit' menu (I think) it says 'to path' click it will create path.
Theres a bit moar to it; It looks moar complicated than what it is imo.
I put on vidya an follow along in Gimp, work out kinks later, when I have basics down
>Muh Kinesthetic learner, Kek.
Ty anon
Solid advice.
I'll take a peek. I can do all I want for now in Gimp.
There will come a time when I want to expand, I'll check Inkscape then.
I use 'photoscape' for simple 'throwaway memes' It free and easy to crop and add text. You can do other simplistic stuff too.
>Quick memes to make a point