KEK PawPaw is what I used to call my Grandpa before he passed away
any other twatterers getting blue-checkmark followers? some of them ive never heard of but all MAGA. digital warrior FTW - Twitter da newbattleground
wait so the whole documentary is only 25 mins? how do i watch the other parts/?
dis why we need landslide 2020. then arrests can habben and if we win both popular vote and general election the libs dont have the excuse that the majority of americans doesnt care
I disagree Anon. We have to first show the normies how fucking BAD these evil fuckers are so that then the awake public will be begging for public hangings. and yes, it will happen. When the time is right.
I'm Anon faggot and I wish they would happen today I just don't smoke hopium like every other person here that just showed up and thinks the world revolves simply around their own wants.
Amen Anon
oh cool they building up a hype. noice, ty.