Love her voice…
Loreena McKennitt
The Dark Night of the Soul
Love her voice…
Loreena McKennitt
The Dark Night of the Soul
Does anyone else find this disturbing?
As if they are trying to tell us to just die already
Zero sum game — defined
The 6 C’s Process
To make the process simple to remember, I’ve broken the process into six steps named the 6 C’s: Clarify, Contemplate, Critique, Counter, Consequence and Conclusion. I’d recommend writing through the steps when starting out as it allows you to see and think about the issue. As you become more proficient, the process can be done mentally but there’s always a danger of getting distracted or going off on irrelevant tangents. The first part will explain the process while the second section will illustrate a personal example from my past.
Confusion on a topic is often due to a lack of focus on what the issue is fundamentally about. Our first response to something is an automatic reaction, and it’s vital to recognise it for what it is: an impulse. To clarify understanding, we need to specify the one thing that’s underlying an issue. Don’t get distracted by extraneous noise and drama, focus on the main topic.
Do you have any pre-conceived assumptions about the issue that’s clouding your judgement? Often, we have a subconscious bias that may dictate how we react. What might that be? Can you work it out and consider it before going further? Is it a fear, a memory, a preference, an alliance? Recognise and put it aside for now as it’s clouding your judgement.
Is there any tangible proof of the issue you’re considering or is it an opinion or hearsay? If the issue is intangible, like an idea, is there historical evidence of its application? Are there arguments from earlier thinkers on the subject? Can you gather data to support your hypothesis?
Are there counter-arguments? Can you plan a counter-argument? Is your current opinion rational or wishful thinking? If a friend had your current opinion, how would you talk them out of it? Is there evidence to disprove your hypothesis?
Consequences are the ultimate result to consider any decision. Often, the long-term impact isn’t immediately clear. Will your words have perceptual consequences? Will consequences be immediate or latent; local or global; personal or to other people; small or large; simple or have a potential domino effect? Nothing exists in isolation. Every action has an inevitable reaction. Think about what that is.
Is the conclusion right or wrong; good or bad; probable or improbable; possible or impossible; worth it or not?
Anyone can learn to think like Socrates. All you need to do is repeat the 6 C’s on as many ideas or issues as possible until it becomes a habit. I suggest writing through the process for a while to stop becoming distracted or confused. Eventually, the process becomes natural and instinctive. With practice, you’ll be ripping through problems like the greatest minds throughout history.