Could you all go discuss the finer points of your various sects on a religious forum. 30+ posts/thread arguing over minutae here is totally pointless. You will not convince each other and it is not moving the ball forward for Q+.
Valid question and astute observation.
They will defend some corporations but not others (NYT for example).
It is a tough task to show them that the real perpetrators are more diffuse and tie into governments, and go beyond R vs D.
How can we show them graphically?
Illustrate the path of graft?
>>9063756 Chinese Military Cyber Spies Just Caught Crossing A 'Very Dangerous' New Line
Article mentions "Check Point"
Check Point
Check Point is a multinational provider of software and combined hardware and software products for IT security, including network security, endpoint security, cloud security, mobile security, data security and security management. As of 2019, the company has approximately 5,000 employees worldwide.
Publicly traded company.
Orwellian names and titles are very common.
>Ministry of Truth
>Ministry of Love
Every bill the Ds put forward has an Orwellian title and means to accomplish the very opposite of its name. The same holds true for many NGOs. It certainly holds true for Ds public statements.
This can and should be exploited to the fullest extent.