The Fake News Washington Post, Amazon’s “chief lobbyist,” has another (of many) phony headlines, “Trump Defiant As China Adds Trade Penalties.” WRONG! Should read, “Trump Defiant as U.S. Adds Trade Penalties, Will End Barriers And Massive I.P. Theft.” Typically bad reporting!
MSM must be dismantled. At least figuratively.
Q is saying this is battle against MSM.
"Mar 08 2018 20:11:26
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Break the MSM.
How can we break the MSM? With mass information?
How can we do mass informing? By POTUS tweeting 'Fake News' again and again.
Trump doesn't mind the nasty comments he is getting because he's in the war and the enemy doesn't seem to understand his tactics.