Pic of steamer.
Not the model/brand I have, but close.
No chemicals needed
Pic of steamer.
Not the model/brand I have, but close.
No chemicals needed
>https:// t.co/zKUjpXIMYs
As per usual, misleading tweet by Posobiec.
Here is the referenced article.
Congressional Investigators ‘Trying To Get To The Bottom’ Of Brennan’s Role In Russia Investigation
Here is the article.
I could not see where it said Brennan is under investigation.
Perhaps you can find it and point it out.
#Facts matter
"are of “significant” interest to congressional investigators trying to figure out the ex-spy’s early role"
is not the same as "under investigation"
I agree and I look forward to that day.
He is EVIL to the core.
Saying he is currently "under investigation" is misleading tho.
Media Campaign Against EPA’s Scott Pruitt Orchestrated By Obama & Clinton Cronies
[Partial snips of article/very long]