Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.907855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8396

Republican House Intelligence chairman demands Justice Department stop blacking out key information in documents that kicked off the FBI's Russia probe

GOP Intelligence chair Rep. Devin Nunes wants the full un-redacted memo that kicked off the Russia probe

The version the 2016 FBI memo given to the committee is 'unsatisfactory,' Nunes said

The memo is believed to have been written by Peter Strzok, one of the FBI lovers removed from the probe over anti-Trump texts

Democrats say the GOP rushed through its own Russia probe and wants to scuff up DOJ and the FBI in order to protect Trump

He is threatening 'all appropriate legal remedies' to obtain the documents

Also seeks original FISA warrants on former Trump advisor Carter Page


House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes is demanding the Justice Department hand over a fully, un-redacted version of the memo that kicked off the original FBI Russia probe.


He is threatening 'all appropriate legal remedies' to get what he wants.


The agency has turned over a version of the memo to panel investigators, but has blocked out portions, the Republican chairman complains in a letter.


He is threatening to issue subpoenas if his committee doesn't get the records it wants by next week.


The memo may have been drafted by FBI agent Peter Strzok, one of the pair of FBI lovers who was reassigned after he was revealed to have penned anti-Trump texts to agent Lisa Page, Fox News reported.

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.907871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7886 >>7903

EXCLUSIVE: 'We'll see you soon Mr President!' Immigrants on caravan in Mexico taunt Trump and reveal 'tough Mexican immigration laws' he boasted about are passes to travel freely with NO restrictions on trying to enter the U.S.

Hundreds of immigrants from Central America are in a 'caravan' through Mexico which Trump had claimed was 'broken up' thanks to 'the strong immigration laws of Mexico'

But reveals how the marchers are being issued passes which give them as long as 30 days to stay in Mexico and tell them to report to immigration centers which dot the U.S. border

Members of the caravan are also being moved in a fleet of buses north to the outskirts of Mexico City for a rally where they will be given tips on how to apply for asylum in the U.S.

Trump is activating the National Guard claiming that the border is in crisis and that Mexico has the power to stop the 'caravans'

Immigrants on the caravan tell they will make it to the U.S. border and get across

Most are from Honduras, where a contentious election has been followed by an upsurge in violence and others said they were fleeing MS-13's reign of violence



Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.907878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8105

NOW THERE'S A SHOCKER: Producer Who Accused Sinclair Network Of Conservative Bias Is Left-Wing ActivistA morning TV producer at a Sinclair-owned station in Nebraska who resigned, accusing the network of “obvious bias,” just so happens to be a left-wing activist who organized a Black Lives Matter protest in May 2016 and participated in a protest against Speaker of the House Paul Ryan organized by the left-wing political group Democracy Spring.


As Peter Hasson of The Daily Caller reported, Justin Simmons told CNN reporter Brian Stelter that the Sinclair network’s mandate that local anchors read promos warning of "fake" and biased news was “almost forcing local news anchors to lie to their viewers.”

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.907887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8102

Planned Parenthood CEO Finally Recommends Adoption, But For The Wrong Species

Abortion industry leader's adoption referrals have dropped from 11,866 to just 2,024.

It is great to see the CEO of Planned Parenthood recommending adoption, except it's for the wrong species. As noted by LifeNews and LiveAction, Richard's organization does very little in the way of adoption referrals. Since 1994, the abortion conglomerate's adoption referrals have dropped from 11,866 to just 2,024. Conversely, it performs roughly 324,000 abortions per year. With that kind of cash flow, adoption referrals is tantamount to business suicide for them. From LifeNews:


Planned Parenthood is so obsessed with making a buck that the idea of adoption rarely — if ever — comes up. Sure, the organization will take credit for a few moms choosing life to feed the lie that it does more than abortion, but the numbers are hardly flattering. In its latest annual report, Planned Parenthood could only claim one adoption referral for every 83 abortions. If Cecile wants to rescue dogs, she might want to show a little more concern for their prospective owners.


Throughout the 12 years of Richards' reign, PP has performed 3.5 million abortions, with a record-setting revenue of $1.45 billion, which all contribute to her staggering paycheck of $700,000 a year. And yet, abortion activists still demand that the American taxpayer foot Planned Parenthood's bill when the baby-killing business is clearly lucrative enough to sustain them.

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.907896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7901 >>7905

Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Back The House, I PROMISE We'll Repeal Those Republican Tax Cuts

The former Speaker of the House wants to raise your taxes as a first priority.


hey, Pelosi, if you are here. Are you really this fucking stupid and retarded?

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.907901   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As soon as Democrats retake the House in November, Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told a town hall meeting Wednesday that the first priority is repealing and "replacing" the GOP tax cut package that passed last December.


Speaking to her constituents in Culver City, California, alongside Hollywood Congressman Ted Lieu, Pelosi pledged to discard the popular bill, which has prompted several major American companies to boost wages, share profits, and in some cases move their production operations back from overseas, because Republicans were so secretive in enacting the bill.

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.


As soon as they've done that, Pelosi said, she'll "work with Republicans" on a fairer tax measure.


“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future."


If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on instituting a major tax hike, particularly focused on punishing those same generous corporations. In a plan published last month, Congressional Democrats proposed a $1 trillion dollar tax hike, pushing the corporate tax rate from its current 21% to 25%, undoing tax breaks for high earners, and re-instituting a top tax bracket that could tax some Americans at a rate of nearly 40%.


It's likely a mistake: as Congressional approval sinks lower, President Trump's approval rating recently cracked 50% for the first time, largely on the back of an increased sense of economic security among American taxpayers.

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.907916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FAILING: Jeff Zucker's Baby At CNN Is Getting Blown Out By Competitors


CNN’s "New Day," which has been CNN President Jeff Zucker’s baby since he took over the network in 2013, is getting blown out by its competitors, according to the most recent ratings from Nielsen Media Research.


"New Day" is only bringing in 609,000 total viewers and an abysmal 217,000 viewers in the 25-54 demographic, which is less than half of the FOX & Friends audience as the show is also getting blown out by MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.907925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8431 >>8526

Mossad Chief: I'm '100% Certain' Iran Is Committed To Building A Nuclear Bomb

Incoming National Security Advisor John Bolton agrees.


The chief of Israel’s Mossad told senior Israeli government officials that he is “100 % certain” that Iran is committed to developing a nuclear bomb, no matter the rhetoric coming from the Iranian government that masks that fact.


In a recent closed meeting, Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, said the nuclear deal was a “terrible mistake,” adding that the Iran nuclear deal permitted Iran to maintain certain key facets of its nuclear program. Cohen slammed the Obama Administration’s decision to lift sanctions on Iran, arguing that it significantly increased aggression by Iran.


Cohen continued, “As head of the Mossad, I am 100 percent certain that Iran has never abandoned its military nuclear vision for a single instant. This deal enables Iran to achieve that vision. That is why I believe the deal must be completely changed or scrapped. The failure to do so would be a grave threat to Israel’s security.”


President Trump has set a mid-May deadline for his decision as to whether to withdraw from the nuclear deal.


As incoming national security advisor John Bolton wrote last October:


Some say that trashing the deal will spur Iran to accelerate its nuclear-weapons program to rush across the finish line. Of course, before the JCPOA, Iran was already party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which barred it from seeking or possessing nuclear weapons, but which it systematically violated. JCPOA advocates are therefore arguing that although one piece of paper (a multilateral treaty, no less) failed to stop Iran's nuclear quest, the JCPOA, a second piece of paper, will do the trick, with catastrophic consequences if we withdraw. Ironically, these same acolytes almost invariably concede the JCPOA is badly flawed and needs substantial amendment. So they actually believe a third piece of paper is required to halt Iran. Two are not enough. This argument flunks the smile test: Burying Iran in paper will not stop its nuclear program.


Iran's ability to "rush" to have nuclear weapons existed before the deal, exists now, and would exist if America withdrew. The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said recently it would take a mere five days for Iran to resume its pre-deal level of uranium enrichment …


Nor will U.S. withdrawal eliminate valuable international verification procedures under the JCPOA. In fact, these measures are worse than useless for nonproliferation purposes, although they serve Iran well. By affording the appearance of effective verification, they camouflage Iran's active, multiple violations of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231: on uranium-enrichment levels, advanced-centrifuge research, heavy-water production and missile programs. The International Atomic Energy Agency recently admitted explicitly it has no visibility whatever into weapons and ballistic-missile work underway on Iran's military bases.

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.907944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7966 >>7984 >>8152 >>8198 >>8460

Planned Parenthood's Richards Details Secret Meeting With Ivanka And Jared About Funding And Abortion


In April of last year, reports began circulating that First Daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner met with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in a "secret" meeting. Conservatives, as to be expected, were not too pleased with the report, especially considering Ivanka's perceived social liberalism.


The details of the secret meeting were finally revealed from the perspective of Richards on Tuesday. According to the abortion mill head, Trump and Kushner offered full funding for the corporation — even offering increased funding at one point — if they were to stop abortions.


Of course, Richards declined. She claimed it felt like a "bribe" and essentially didn't want to hand the couple and President Trump a political win.


“The main issue, he explained, was abortion," Richards said of Kushner in her book, "Make Trouble: Standing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding the Courage to Lead." "If Planned Parenthood wanted to keep our federal funding, we would have to stop providing abortions. He described his ideal outcome: a national headline reading ‘Planned Parenthood Discontinues Abortion Services,'" she added.


“[H]onestly, it felt almost like a bribe," she later added.


“If it wasn’t crystal clear before, it was now. Jared and Ivanka were there for one reason: to deliver a political win. In their eyes, if they could stop Planned Parenthood from providing abortions, it would confirm their reputation as savvy dealmakers,” Richards continued. “It was surreal, essentially being asked to barter away women’s rights for more money.”


We're sure the insane amount of cash that abortions bring into the corporation had nothing at all to do with Richards declining the offer. As of 2011 (the last year such information was quantified), the abortion mill represented 32% of the abortion market nationally. Moreover, Planned Parenthood performs, on average, 320,000 abortions a year. Not to mention the entity was reportedly caught on camera haggling over prices of discarded baby body parts, suggesting they illegally score a profit there as well.

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.907952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7970 >>7976 >>7978

Rob Lowe Gets It: Explains The Appeal Of 'Roseanne' In One Tweet


Rob Lowe


The secret to @therealroseanne massive ratings is that it celebrates people with huge political differences who are able to laugh and love together as they passionately disagree.


i hope rob lowe is /ourguy/

Anonymous ID: 3eac24 April 5, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.907967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear Christians, There Is One Thing Worse Than Being An Atheist


As Christians, we tend to think that atheists are in the most dangerous spiritual state. Indeed, they are in a dangerous state. But not the most dangerous. The atheist is surely closer to redemption than the “Christian” who hangs onto the name but empties it of its substance. There is nothing worse than being a casual Christian who lives, and acts, and thinks, and in most every way believes just as the atheists do. It is better to be an unbeliever and know you are an unbeliever than to be an unbeliever and think you are a Christian.


Whenever the “decline of Christianity in America” is discussed, the focus is always on the dwindling number of professed believers. But that is not really the problem, nor is it the truest evidence of Christianity’s decline. If the Church had lost 5 or 10 percent over the years, but the remaining 70 to 75 were truly on fire with the faith — if they were authentically and substantially Christian — our culture would still be in fine shape. It is not in fine shape. By their fruits you shall know them, and the fruits of our “Christian country” seem strongly to suggest that we are not a Christian country at all. And if we are not a Christian country, despite our majority Christian population, then we must consider whether America’s Christians — many of them — are really so much different from her atheists.


Let’s consider two hypothetical people:


First there is Bob. Bob is not Christian and does not claim to be. If he were pressed to pick a label, he’d probably call himself an agnostic. Bob lives a normal American life. He doesn’t think much about spiritual things. He doesn’t consider his own mortality. He does what normal people do. He loves porn. He drinks too much on the weekends. He watches a lot of TV. His goal in life is to be comfortable. He seeks pleasure, not joy. He works in order to enrich himself. Whatever money he has, he spends or he hordes. He is nice to people but he will not sacrifice anything for them. He is fond of his wife but he will leave her if his feelings ever fade. He is affectionate towards his kids but he will leave them, too, if his home life becomes too boring or too difficult. He is a normal person. A nice person. An empty person.