Talpa Loquax ID: 827b79 Thoughts on Flattardery, etc. April 5, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.908434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8476 >>8588

>>907689 (Bread #1127)


The purpose of the flattardery is not to foster belief in the flatus of the flattards, but to foster disbelief by discredit, in the minds of any norm-newbs lurking/arriving here, about the sanity & realism of the whole forum, over all of its component threads & breads.


That is, to shut down norm-newbs' interest & engagement right on their arrival, or as soon as possible thereafter.


To understand the clown/shill strategies, you must clearly identify the clown/shill target in each case.


For example, the Muh Joos shillery is to make norm-newbs think: "Q Research = Hate".


But, the Flattard shillery is to make norm-newbs think: "Q Research = Morons".


So, both strategies are to discredit this forum, for any/all new arrivals.


By way of contrast, the Q-Larp & Q-Fail shillery, for example, are strategies mainly to discourage & demoralize the anons already working here (so they'll stop working here), by preying on their anxieties & doubts.


So, the targets there are anons (especially "impatient" ones).


Similarly, with the hijacking of entire breads so as to make breads moldy, except that strategy does double-duty.


It was done in part so as to demoralize anons by means of confusion.


But it was also done against norm-newbs, in two ways.


First, it served to discredit the Q Research forum because of the confusion – norm-newbs would have cognitive dissonance enough on arrival (that's in part what in fact brought them here) – adding to that CD wass meant to drive them away, by inception of the inference that they would get no relief from CD, here.


Secondly, it scatters the crumbs too far apart. Q asked us to work here to gather crumbs for the sake of the normies, ultimately. Disperse the crumbs with shillery and moldy bread, and the normies can't string them together again. That's autist work, not normie work.


It's psywar. The targets are hearts and minds; of both norm-newbs and anons.


I mean, it should be clear by now that it's capital-P Psywar, by trained, highly-skilled professionals.


If it was just garden-variety thread-trolling, there would never have been the fake Q's; there would never have been forum hijacks; and, the shillery would not be as concerted nor as focussed. No mere nerd-trolls are that clever, that organised, that persistent, or that tenacious.


So, we know it's clowns. Alleged clowns are real: the fake breads, scattered crumbs, flattard flatus, etc. make no sense otherwise.


Which means we know Q is real. The sealed indictments, etc., could hypothetically mean anything, which is why they're sealed. Expanding Gitmo could mean, say, GEOTUS plans a surge in combat somewhere in the MENA, etc.


But the extremely high shill skill and coordinated clownery in this forum can only be explained by Q being real.


Individual posted items may get flak because over the target – or for any reason at all. But the prolonged, coordinated shilling here, can only mean clowns trying to bomb the airbase and the runways.


[End of Part 1]

Talpa Loquax ID: 827b79 April 5, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.908476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8516 >>8553 >>8588



[Part 2 of 2]


The clowns attempting to strafe and bomb the runways and airbase @ Q Research, therefore, may wish to consider three things:


(1) Like Q said – You Lose. Either way. If you wisely go away, the Anons will All toil on, undisturbed. But if you shill louder and longer here, then the louder, the longer, the greater the confirmation that Q is real. Your efforts either way are futile and avail you nothing. Your Loserfarian Masters are toast. Why, then, join them in the toaster?


(2) The Admiral's Men totally pown all the 1s and 0s, everywhere. All of them. All your 1s and 0s are alive and well out there on The Admiral's Farms. Gosh. Accessories to treason? Hang on: no noose is good noose, right? Uh-oh: Prisoner's dilemma time. Will you crack first, or will one of the other clowns crack first? Or maybe, O clowns, some of them already have, and in fact The Admiral's Men have moles working for right there in the Clown Central Shillshop? Gosh, could be.


(3) Don't lose sleep over how to play 187 rounds of whack-a-mole, though. Instead, lose sleep over the fact that The Admiral's Men pown all the 1s and 0s, everywhere. Every 1 & 0 of them. Evidence of Accessory to Treason. Which (cough) is also Treason, right? Does this keep you awake at night? I thought knot: no noose is good noose, right? Oh, wait! Are you tangled in puppet strings? Ah! Maybe that's how deep your "loyalty" to the Loserfarians is? Hey, maybe The Admiral's Men can help you with that. (As you well know, they have helped cut others' puppet strings.)


That is all.