Farmer Anon here. The stories you hear about GMO's aren't actually completely true. Soybeans are a staple in the production of protein for animal feed, and the oil is used for human consumption. The GMO's actually allow us to use less hazardous chemicals in their production. Don't believe all the liberals and their talking points.
No there are better alternatives to Roundup. It was over used and the weeds are resistant to it. I don't use it anymore.
His use by date came and went. He is dead to me now- won't miss him!!
Hybrid corn is a terminator crop. Soybeans aren't. If the SHTF, the soybeans could be replanted from last years crop. Corn would have to be sexed in the field the year before and the male plants would be detassled so the plant is inbred (hybrid) with the desirable traits.
Production would go down 30% or more due to losing the benefits of insect and herbicide resistance.
Pharma and the insurance companies want that information big time!
I watch Fox Business during the day. Like The Five and Tucker.
I despise Mother Monsanto! I am not defending them at all! I actually don't plant Roundup Ready crops, but I will defend some GMO's, such as Bt corn. That way we don't have to use insecticides which work on similar pathways that would affect humans. Herbicides are generally much different and wouldn't affect humans in that fashion.